This subject contains a 30 days Compulsory Workplace Learning component.
This subject will involve 30 days professional experience in a secondary school setting as required for accreditation.
This subject draws together teacher education students' discipline-specific pedagogical content knowledge and skills in preparation for, and during, a thirty day professional experience placement in a secondary school setting. Students will analyse and reflect on the quality of their teaching in previous placements and explore how to improve aspects of their teaching practice. Students will use the Quality Teaching Model and the Graduate Teaching Standards to frame their reflection and dialogue, and to set learning goals for improving teaching and learning. In collaboration with their supervising teachers, students will plan, teach, assess and reflect on learning as appropriate to their classes and in alignment with secondary curriculum requirements. Students will collaborate with members of the wider school community and develop strategies to recognise the diversity and differences amongst learners. Students will provide evidence of their commitment to, and progression toward attaining the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the graduate level.
One session
School of Education
This subject is only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education), Bachelor of Education (K-12), Bachelor of Outdoor Education, Bachelor of Education (Technology and Applied Studies) and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Industry entry and the Bachelor of Educational Studies.
This subject is not available to students who have completed subject EPT443.
( EPT329 or EPT241 ) and ( ACC311 or MKT303 or MKT310 or MKT331 or MKT335 or MKT340 or MKT350 or MKT360 or MKT381 or MKT389 or INR310 or HRM320 or HRM330 or HRM381 or HRM386 or MGT330 ) or ( MTH307 or MTH328 or MTH418 ) or ( LIT301 or LIT303 or LIT324 ) or ( HST301 or HST308 or HST311 ) or ( BIO312 or BIO326 or BIO328 or CHM321 or CHM323 or PHY301 or PHY302 or PHY304 ) or ( GEO303 or GEO314 or GEO360 or PKM302 or SOC302 or REC302 ) or ( EHR303 or EHR332 or EHR334 or EHR305 ) or ( FDS304 or NUT325 ) or ( EPI306 or EPI307 ) or ( ITC301 or ITC331 or ITC332 or ITC357 ) or ( AGS300 or ASC350 or AGR304 or PSC360 or AGS301 ) or ( TXT03C ) or ( FDS305 ) or ( HRM310 ) or ( BIO323 or BIO327 or CHM324 ) or ( COM327 or LIT302 ) or ( ITC313 or ITC314 or ITC322 or ITC333 ) or ( ACT312 or CCI302 ) or ( ART317 or CCI301 ) or ( GEO360 or GEO303 or ENM308 ) or ( JST318 or JST320 or JST338 ) and ( EMH442 or EMA442 or EML442 or EML444 or EMM442 or EMR442 or EMS442 or EMT444 or EMT446 or ETL411 )
The following table summarises the assessment tasks for the online offering of EPT436 in Session 1 2021. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated and can also differ to suit the mode of study (online or on campus).
This subject contains a 30 days Compulsory Workplace Learning component.
This subject will involve 30 days professional experience in a secondary school setting as required for accreditation.
The information contained in the CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: June 2022. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.