Susan Robertson

Dr Susan Robertson

Livestock Production, Senior Research Fellow, Gulbali Institute

Gulbali Institute


Susan has spent her career researching practical on-farm strategies to improve the production of sheep. She joined Charles Sturt University as a researcher in 2006, and while all things sheep are of interest, Susan has a particular interest in improving the reproductive rate of sheep. She has published numerous studies including lamb survival, embryo mortality, sheep health, sheep production systems, containment feeding of ewes, and simulation modelling of sheep/pasture cropping systems. Susan also lectures in ruminant production, and has supervised numerous honours and postgraduate students as they progress on their journey.

  • Sheep reproduction, particularly improving lamb survival and weaning rates per ewe
  • Management for wool production and quality
  • Management of goat reproduction and mohair production
  • Simulation modelling of farming systems
Full publications list on CRO

Recent Publications

  • Robertson, S. M., Friend, M. A., Allworth, B., & Bhanugopan, M. (2024). Perinatal lamb survival was not reduced by grazing forage oats. Animal Production Science, 64(18), -.
  • Bates, A., McGrath, S., Allworth, B., Robertson, S., & Refshauge, G. (2023). A cross-sectional study of commercial ewe management practices for different sheep breeds across southern Australia. Animals, 13(3), [388].
  • Robertson, S., & Friend, M. (2023). Longitudinal assessment of the impact of aging on wastage, productivity and welfare of ewes. Australian Veterinary Journal, 1-6.
  • Gunn, A., & Robertson, S. (2022). A case of haemosemen in a Merino ram. 291-292. Abstract from 2022 Therio Conference, Bellevue, Washington, United States.
  • Robertson, S., & Friend, M. (2022). Associations between high ambient temperature and poor fertility of ewes. cxv. Abstract from Australian Association of Animal Sciences 34th Biennial Conference 2022, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.