Corporate partners

Cool Soil Initiative brings together various partners who are passionate about climate change and sustainable farming practices.

Your role

Each of the corporate investors has a strong commitment to sustainable sourcing through their supply chains and a keen desire to contribute to a program of value to the industry.

The investors are engaged in the delivery of the broader program and contribute to its high-level management. They also are actively working to increase the visibility of the Cool Soil Initiative among their peer food and beverage companies, as they see the potential for the Cool Soil Initiative to become an industry-wide framework across sector-centric supply chains.


In return for their investment in the Cool Soil Initiative, each company can report on their contribution to reductions in emissions through their supply chain (as per standardised international reporting protocols for ‘Scope 3’ level supply chain emissions), based on aggregated summaries from each region.

The corporate partners visit each region at least once a year to:

  • informally meet with participating growers
  • receive feedback on the program
  • learn more about the farming systems from which they are sourcing their ingredients.