Charles Sturt University
CRES Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society

XIV International Bonhoeffer Conference

Crisis and Hope: Reading Bonhoeffer for Today

(‘What I Did Today by God,’ by Glenn Loughrey. Used with the artist’s permission. )

‘We should have so much love for this contemporary world of ours, for our fellow human beings, that we should declare our solidarity with it in its crisis and hope’ (DBWE 10:326).

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) wrote much of his theology during a time of intense upheaval and crisis. He developed his rich contributions to theology and ethics in the context of National Socialism and during the Second World War.

The world is again in a state of crisis and upheaval. How can engaging Bonhoeffer help with understanding and negotiating some of the many challenges that we are facing today?

In particular:

  • How can Bonhoeffer’s theology assist with understanding and responding to systematic racism and the legacies of colonialism?
  • What insights might his theology offer with respect to the climate emergency?
  • How can Bonhoeffer help us attend to our responsibilities to refugees and asylum seekers?
  • How can Bonhoeffer’s theology and witness assist with resisting new forms of political authoritarianism?
  • What are the implications of Bonhoeffer’s theology and witness for the church-community in its contemporary settings?

The Bonhoeffer Congress in Sydney, Australia, welcomes scholars, students, Christians, and activists who are committed to addressing these and other challenges, as well as all those interested in Bonhoeffer’s theology and its reception.

Plenary speakers: Paul Chung, Lisa Dahill, Willie Jennings, Kung Lap-yan, Anne Pattel-Gray and Di Rayson

Dates: 14-18th January, 2024.

Location: United Theological College, North Parramatta (Sydney)

Call for papers: forthcoming in late 2022.

For more information see the website.

Event details