CRES scholar, Rev Dr Jione Havea, will be providing a series of lectures at Drew and Princeton over the next couple of weeks.
Featuring Keynote Speaker Dr. Jione Havea
Native Pastor, Methodist Church, Tonga | Senior Research Fellow, Trinity Theological College, New Zealand | Centre for Religion, Ethics, and Society, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Craig Chapel | 6 p.m.
This talanoa (story, telling, conversation) interweaves with an invitation by Danna Nolan Fewell: “In a world where so many children are sick, hungry, dying, abandoned, displaced, and violated, in a world where politics take precedence over matters of life and death, what difference does reading the Bible make? If reading the Bible is to make a difference, we may be forced to read between the lines, looking for the ways in which children are repressed, exploited, violated, and ignored by the religious and political agendas of the biblical world and of the Bible’s readers today” (“Ezra and Nehemiah” in Global Bible Commentary, 127). Opting to extend the lines of the Bible beyond the rejection of Orpah on the side of the road, this talanoa resonates her “return” with the “upturn” of the Offspring of Moana (land, sea, sky, underworld).
Go to the Drew website to register or find out more details.
On September 25 and 26, Princeton Theological Seminary will welcome Rev. Dr. Jione Havea for The Students’ Lectureship on Missions. Havea will deliver a three-part lecture series that is free and open to the public.
Rev. Dr. Jione Havea is co-parent for a polycultural daughter, native pastor (Methodist Church, Tonga), and senior research fellow with Trinity Methodist Theological College (Aotearoa New Zealand) and with Centre for Religion, Ethics, and Society (Charles Sturt University, Australia). Jione is currently working on a commentary on the book of Numbers (Wisdom commentary series, Liturgical Press) and two collections: Pacific Wellbeing: Bodies and (is)Lands, Traditions and Theologies, Imaginations and Mindsets (Pickwick) and Stirring up Liberation Theology (SCM).
One of the illusions of the Christian mission is the assumption that natives were savages who needed to be saved from their dark ways and uncivilized cultures. To the contrary, this talanoa (presentation) argues that the success of the Christian mission in Pasifika (Pacific, Oceania), and beyond, had a lot to do with the kindness and wisdom of native peoples. This talanoa thus invites acknowledging and embracing the gifts and gists of native peoples – formerly seen as savages.
*Reception immediately following lecture in the Wright Library foyer
That all theologies and readings are contextual is nowadays taken for granted. But one of the elephants in the room remains unseen: Whose interests are served by contextualizing theologies and readings? For whose world(view)s do contextual theologies and readings seek to be relevant, and accountable? Whose senses and wisdoms matter?
Intersectional and crosscultural theologies celebrate fluidity and multiple belongings, and consequently trouble mono-logical and one-ficating world(view)s. This talanoa invites such radical conversations to embrace trans-cultural wisdoms. Here, trans-culturality involves learning to belong to a culture(s) with which one is not comfortable or find meaningful. It is about also belonging to that with which one does not belong.
For more details, see the Princeton Theological Seminary website.