The Mural Wall of the Holy Spirit in Our Land is a mosaic representation of the painting by the late Hector Jandany, renowned elder, Lawman and painter of the Gija people (East Kimberley). The Holy Spirit is depicted in the form of the white owl of the Gija people. The Mural Wall is located in the grounds of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, which is the home of the CRES directorate.
The Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society is a research centre established to foster and promote high quality publications in theology and religious studies by CSU researchers. It does so by, holding academic conferences, seminars, forging research partnerships with Australian and international institutions and researchers working in theology and religious studies, awarding research grants to CRES members and by offering publication advice. The Centre’s current areas of research focus are:
10 Oct 2023
Congratulations to Virginia Miller for the publication of "Irony in the Bible: Between Subversion and Innovation", which she co-edited along with Tobias Häner and Carolyn J. Sharp. This book is part of the Biblical Interpretation Series, Volume 209. It is generally agreed that there is significant irony in the Bible. However, to date no work has been published in biblical scholarship that on the one hand includes interpretations of both.....
10 Oct 2023
Congratulations to Virginia Miller, who co-authored an article with Seamas Miller titled 'Euthanasia and faith-based aged-care organisations: The right not to kill?' in Church, Communication and Culture. Abstract In this paper we focus on an important specific issue which has not received serious attention in the scholarly literature on euthanasia, namely, that of the coercive imposition (by way of sanction-backed regulations) of the practice of voluntary active euthanasia (in particular).....
22 Sep 2023
Dr Amy Erickson recently delivered a thought-provoking lecture as part of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture's 'Theological Disputes' series. The lecture, titled 'Reading Matthew 18 against Yoder: Toward a biblical theology of Church discipline', critiqued Yoder’s interpretation of church discipline in Matthew 18:15–18 in light of his sexual harassment and assault of women. During her presentation, Dr Erickson explored the ways in which Yoder interpreted Matthew 18:15-20 to.....
19 Sep 2023
CRES scholar, Rev Dr Jione Havea, will be providing a series of lectures at Drew and Princeton over the next couple of weeks. September 21, 2023: Tipple Lecture - Reading with the Bible Matters: Options, Orpah, and Offspring of MoanaFeaturing Keynote Speaker Dr. Jione HaveaNative Pastor, Methodist Church, Tonga | Senior Research Fellow, Trinity Theological College, New Zealand | Centre for Religion, Ethics, and Society, Charles Sturt University, AustraliaCraig Chapel.....
07 Sep 2023
CRES Scholar Virginia Miller gives Pope Francis a copy of her book Child Sexual Abuse Inquiries and the Catholic Church: Reassessing the Evidence at a private audience for invitation only attendees of an international conference for Catholic politicians......
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