The Mural Wall of the Holy Spirit in Our Land is a mosaic representation of the painting by the late Hector Jandany, renowned elder, Lawman and painter of the Gija people (East Kimberley). The Holy Spirit is depicted in the form of the white owl of the Gija people. The Mural Wall is located in the grounds of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, which is the home of the CRES directorate.
The Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society is a research centre established to foster and promote high quality publications in theology and religious studies by CSU researchers. It does so by, holding academic conferences, seminars, forging research partnerships with Australian and international institutions and researchers working in theology and religious studies, awarding research grants to CRES members and by offering publication advice. The Centre’s current areas of research focus are:
26 Jun 2023
Congratulations to Acting Executive Director of the ACC&C, Dr Jonathan Cole, who has published a chapter in the newly released book,The Impact of Political Economy: on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies'. His chapter, titled 'Twitter: A case study in the character-malformation potential of twenty-first century digital technology' is an insightful analysis into the ways that Twitter generates social interactions with a.....
17 Apr 2023
This book is an objective, evidence-based analysis of the empirical findings, methodologies and conclusions of the three main national inquiries (Irish, US, Australian) into child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and of the responses of the Catholic Church to child sexual abuse. As such, it stands in contrast to the overall media reporting of the problem. Based on the evidence of these inquiries it draws two major conclusions. Firstly,.....
02 Sep 2022
Congratulations to CRES Assistant Director Dr Jonathan Cole on the publication of his book The Reign of God: A Critical Engagement with Oliver O’Donovan’s Theology of Political Authority, T&T Clarke. About the Book The Reign of God constitutes the first detailed and systematic critical engagement with Oliver O'Donovan's political theology. It argues that O'Donovan's theological account of political authority is not tenable on the basis of exegetical and methodological problems......
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