
Become a Charles Sturt Waste Warrior

Action Plan


Join Charles Sturt's War On Waste

  • Bring your Keep Cup or reusable mug to CHEERS outlets and receive a discount on your hot beverage
  • Use a reusable cloth bag at Charlie's Stores and help us say no to plastic bags at the University
  • Learn to sew at a sewing bee with our Boomerang Bag community partners - find them on Facebook in your area
  • Ask for your food to be served with reusable crockery and cutlery
  • Have your drinks without a plastic straw - ask for ice and no straw!
  • Show us how you are joining the fight - tag a photo of your waste free efforts to the Sustainability at Charles Sturt Instagram page and don't forget the #CSUWarOnWaste
  • Charles Sturt University is single use plastics and straw free!
  • Register with My eQuals to receive your university transcripts electronically and save paper!

Charles Sturt University Waste Production

What You Can Do

  • Avoid, Reduce, Reuse Recycle. Avoiding waste where possible is the best approach to help curb our general waste production
  • During move out at end of session, donate unwanted items such as furniture and clothing to charity or post on community group buy swap and sell social pages. A significant amount of waste is generated from students moving out of residence at the end of each year
  • Choose products with minimal waste after use (eg: buy loose fruit and vegetable rather than packaged items)
  • Use all recycling systems that are available to you (including toner cartridge and battery collection systems)
  • Reduce your use of paper: only print when necessary and print double-sided when you can
  • Bring your lunch in a reusable container and keep a reusable cup for your coffee purchases
  • Use the free water hydration stations
  • Take a look at these short film resources [DOC 17KB]

Get to Know Your Bins!

Did you know contaminating recycling means that often the whole bin ends up going to landfill?

By knowing "what goes where" you can increase the amount of resources we recover through the recycling system.

Request a New or Replacement Bin

You can reduce waste on campus and in your office by using the co-mingled (yellow) and paper (blue) bins provided.

If you require a new or replacement bin, you can raise a Pulse request or contact your office administrator to raise on your behalf.

Reduce Event Waste


Could your student club, Residence or staff area reduce event waste such as disposable plates, cutlery, cups, balloons and decorations?

Our Sustainability at Charles Sturt events guide is a great help to planning a more sustainable event.

If you want support purchasing re-usable items to make an "events kit" on your campus please email Sustainability at Charles Sturt and tell us what you are planning to do.

Recycling on Wagga Wagga Campus

We have expanded the types of recycling collected on Wagga campus - batteries, printer cartridges and oral hygiene products can now be dropped off in the library (bldg 13), NaLSH (bldg 289) and dentistry precinct!

New recycling available - toner, battery and oral care product recycling

'Worm Hotels'

Five sites across Wagga campus now have installed 'worm hotels' to take organics from offices and residential buildings.  This project was funded through a Sustainability at Charles Sturt project grant in 2017.  Download instructions from the project team on how to install worm hotels on your campus or at home.  Please note if you are thinking about installing worm hotels across CSU campuses you must discuss this with facilities management (DFM) and Sustainability at Charles Sturt to ensure the system can be installed and maintained correctly.

Worm Hotels Guide Guide picture