Your graduation ceremony is the celebration of your achievement. However, you actually graduate beforehand, when your award has been conferred at University Council.
Your conferral date is the date that you officially graduate from the university. This means that whether you celebrate by attending a graduation ceremony or not, you'll receive your documents shortly after you're conferred and will be able to use these as proof of your qualification. A graduation ceremony is a celebration that you and your guests are invited to attend at a later date, to celebrate this incredible achievement.
Once your award has been conferred, we will provide your graduation documents to you.
Once you are in your final session you will receive a graduation invitation by email. When you receive your invitation depends on which session you complete your course. Most invites are sent during the following months:
Session 3, mid-June
Session 1, mid-June
Session 2, early November
Check that your address is correct so that your graduation documents are sent to the right place. Changes to your address must be made before grade release in your final session.
We will recommend your name and degree to the Chancellor. There are monthly submission deadlines. If you miss one cut-off, you can expect your degree to be conferred the next month. After this your graduation documents will be mailed to you within 2-4 weeks (please allow for postage time).
Failure to provide your current mailing address may result in your printed testamur being returned to sender or lost. Fees apply if you require your testamur to be resent or replaced.
You have earned your place as a Charles Sturt alumnus. Together we can create a world worth living in. So stay in touch.
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