Fees for commonwealth supported places

The government reviews the CSP fees for university subjects every year.

In 2025 there are two student Contribution fee schedules:

  1. 2024 and 2025 fees for students who started their course from 2021 and
  2. 2025 fees for students who started their course prior to 2021

These are listed in the student contribution calculator below.

Please note
The 10 percent discount for upfront payments of $500 or more will cease from 1 January 2023
- All student contribution fees below refer to 8-point subjects


Calculate your student contribution in 2025

Start typing the subject name or subject code in the box below and select your subject from the resulting list.

Subject Code Band Subject Started course 2021 onwards Started course prior to 2021

Students in 2025

Subject Discipline Per EFTSL (64 subject points) Per 8 point subject Per subject point
Band 7: Behavioural Science, Human Welfare Studies and Services and Postgraduate Clinical Psychology $16,992.00 $2,124.00 $265.50
Band 6: Visual & Performing Arts $9,312.00 $1,164.00 $145.50
Band 5: Society & Culture - Social Studies and any other subpart $16,992.00 $2,124.00 $265.50
Band 4: Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Communications $16,992.00 $2,124.00 $265.50
Band 3: Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science $13,216.00 $1,652.00 $206.50
Band 2: Allied Health, Other Health, Built Environment, Computing, Engineering, Surveying, Environmental Studies, Science, Pathology $9,312.00 $1,164.00 $145.50
Band 1: Education, English, Mathematics, Statistics, Nursing, Foreign Languages, Agriculture $4,608.00 $576.00 $72.00

There are some courses that have a different fee structure that could mean you pay even lower fees.

  • If you are either a commencing or continuing student in the Master of Clinical Psychology, you will only pay $576 for any Band 7 subjects you study.
  • If you are a commencing student in the Bachelor of Psychology or the Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology), or are commencing the Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) in 2025 after completing a qualifying undergraduate course in 2020, you will only pay $1164 for any Band 7 subjects. If you are a continuing student, you will only pay $996 for each Band 7 subject.
  • If you are a commencing student in the Bachelor of Social Work or the Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) or are commencing the Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) in 2025 after completing a qualifying undergraduate course in 2020, you will only pay $1164 for any Band 7 subjects. If you are a continuing student, you will only pay $996 for each Band 7 subject.
  • If you are either a commencing or continuing student in the Bachelor of Human Services, you will only pay $1164 for any Band 7 subject.

If you need any further information about these exceptions to the standard fee structure, please reach out to us via email.

Calculate your student contribution in 2024

Start typing the subject name or subject code in the box below and select your subject from the resulting list.

Subject Code Band Subject Started course 2021 onwards Started course prior to 2021

Students in 2024

Subject Discipline Per EFTSL (64 subject points) Per 8 point subject Per subject point
Band 7: Behavioural Science, Human Welfare Studies and Services and Postgraduate Clinical Psychology $16,320.00 $2,040.00 $255.00
Band 6: Visual & Performing Arts $8,928.00 $1,116.00 $139.50
Band 5: Society & Culture - Social Studies and any other subpart $16,320.00 $2,040.00 $255.00
Band 4: Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Communications $16,320.00 $2,040.00 $255.00
Band 3: Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science $12,704.00 $1,588.00 $198.50
Band 2: Allied Health, Other Health, Built Environment, Computing, Engineering, Surveying, Environmental Studies, Science, Pathology $8,928.00 $1,116.00 $139.50
Band 1: Education, English, Mathematics, Statistics, Nursing, Foreign Languages, Agriculture $4,416.00 $552.00 $69.00

There are some courses that have a different fee structure that could mean you pay even lower fees.

  • If you are either a commencing or continuing student in the Master of Clinical Psychology, you will only pay $552 for any Band 7 subjects you study.
  • If you are a commencing student in the Bachelor of Psychology or the Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology), or are commencing the Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) in 2024 after completing a qualifying undergraduate course in 2020, you will only pay $1116 for any Band 7 subjects. If you are a continuing student, you will only pay $956 for each Band 7 subject.
  • If you are a commencing student in the Bachelor of Social Work or the Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) or are commencing the Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) in 2022 after completing a qualifying undergraduate course in 2020, you will only pay $1116 for any Band 7 subjects. If you are a continuing student, you will only pay $956 for each Band 7 subject.

If you need any further information about these exceptions to the standard fee structure, please reach out to us via email.

The government reviews the CSP fees for university subjects every year. From 2021, there are new funding clusters and student contribution amounts. However, if you began your studies prior to 2021 but are continuing in 2025, you are protected from any fee increases. If a subject you are enrolled in has a fee increase, you won't pay the new fee. Instead, you'll pay the fee from the previous year when you enrolled (this is called 'grandfathering'), with existing rates indexed to the Consumer Price Index each year. If you are enrolled in a subject that has a fee decrease, you will only pay the new, lower fee.

Under these arrangements, students who commenced their course of study before 1 January 2021 face increased student contribution amounts for a unit, will instead have their student contribution and Australian Government contribution amounts remain as they were under the previous arrangements (with existing rates being indexed by CPI each year).

If continuing students who commenced their course prior to 2021 are enrolled in units that will see their student contribution amount lowered, their student contributions will be the lowered amount and the Australian Government contribution will be the new rate.

That is, there will be no 'mixing' of old and new rates for a unit.

Students commencing course of study prior to 2021 (Grandfathered fees)

Subject Discipline Per EFTSL (64 subject points) Per 8 point subject Per subject point
Band 7: Behavioural Science, Human Welfare Studies and Services and Postgraduate Clinical Psychology $7,968.00 $996.00 $124.50
Band 6: Visual & Performing Arts $7,968.00 $996.00 $124.50
Band 5: Society & Culture - Social Studies and any other subpart $7,968.00 $996.00 $124.50
Band 4: Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Communications $13,280.00 $1,660.00 $207.50
Band 3: Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science $13,216.00 $1,652.00 $206.50
Band 2: Allied Health, Other Health, Built Environment, Computing, Engineering, Surveying, Environmental Studies, Science, Pathology $9,312.00 $1,164.00 $145.50
Band 1: Education, English, Mathematics, Statistics, Nursing, Foreign Languages, Agriculture $4,608.00 $576.00 $72.00

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