On the day

Preparation is paramount to ensuring your supervised online exam runs smoothly. Here's our guide to making sure you're ready on the day.

Pre-exam setup guide

We have open and closed book supervised exams. They allow students different access to resources and materials during the exam. Please refer to your Subject Outline and Brightspace site for more information about the type of supervised exam you will be sitting.

We recommend you have:

  • One desktop computer or laptop.
  • Working built-in or external webcam and microphone.
  • Have only one tab in one browser opened to sit your exam.
  • Have a small clear bottle of water with no stickers or labels.
  • Prepare a single blank A4 page to plan answers and work through questions. At the start of the exam, you will need to show both sides of the paper on the webcam to prove that the page is blank.
  • Prescribed materials specified by the Subject Coordinator. This may include calculators, textbooks / reference materials, dictionaries (printed and unmarked only).
  • Only use the chat function in Zoom to let your supervisor know if you’re having any technical problems or need to use the bathroom. Chat with other students will be disabled.

You're not allowed to have:

You will need to remove the following items from your exam room before starting the exam:

  • Computing devices other than the device used to sit your exam.
  • Unauthorised materials not specified by your Subject Coordinator (both electronic and hardcopy).
  • Any printed papers, notes or books on your desk where you'll sit our exam.
  • Try to remove any other printed papers, notes or books from your entire exam room so these are not flagged for potential breaches.
  • Mobile phones or other electronic communication devices (including smart glasses).
  • iPads, tablets and MP3 music/media devices.
  • Watches of any kind, including standard watches, smartwatches, hybrid watches and fitness trackers.
  • Cigarettes, food or drink (except for a small clear bottle of water).
  • Briefcases, bags, attaché cases, shopping bags, backpacks or similar.

You will be allowed to access:

  • Study materials, including textbooks
  • Personal notes –   online or on paper

Starting your exam

You will need your Charles Sturt student card. If you have lost your student card, you can use other government-issued photo identification, such as a passport or a drivers license.

Joining your online exam room in Zoom

  1. Ensure that your computer setup has a microphone and webcam and that you have downloaded the Zoom app before the session. You can find out more about Zoom at Charles Sturt, including how to download the app and system requirements.
  2. Before you need to sign into your exam, make sure you also sign into the Charles Sturt Zoom with your student log-in details.
  3. Sign into your Zoom Room 45 minutes before the start of your exam so your supervisors have time to check your student IDs.

Starting your online exam in Brightspace

  1. Open your Brightspace subject site.
  2. Go to the top navbar and select Assessment then select  Quizzes and Exams from the drop down.
  3. From the Quiz List select the quiz you need.
  4. There will be a summary page.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the summary and click on the Start Button.

Writing notes in a supervised exam

Online closed book exams test your ability to recall, reproduce and understand what you have learnt.

You cannot access online resources, textbooks or personal notes.

You will be allowed to have a single blank A4 page that you will need to show to the exam supervisor prior to the start of the exam.

Remember, exams must be your own work. You must attempt them by yourself without any help from others, including online assignment/homework help sites. Exams will be run through Turnitin to detect work that is not your own.

Online open-book exams focus on synthesis, analysis, and application, rather than memorisation. You will be allowed to access:

  • Study materials, including textbooks
  • Personal notes – online or on paper

Remember, exams must be your own work. You must attempt them by yourself without any help from others, including online assignment/homework help sites. Exams will be run through Turnitin to detect work that is not your own.

Toilet breaks

We strongly recommend that students go to the bathroom before the exam start time.

If you do need to go to the bathroom during the exam, you need to send the supervisor a chat message in Zoom to let them know that you are going to the bathroom. You can also use the reactions button, located at the bottom of the zoom screen to help to get the supervisor attention.

Once the exam timer commences it cannot be paused, so your bathroom break will use up time available to complete your exam.

Finishing early

Do not leave the Zoom room until you submit your exam.

Once you complete and submit your exam and have logged out of Brightspace let the supervisor know via chat and then leave the Zoom room.