Vice Chancellor Travel Grants

If you're travelling overseas on an approved learning abroad program and are receiving academic recognition for your program, you can apply for a Vice-Chancellor Travel Grant.

There are three different travel grants available:

1. Vice-Chancellor Travel Grant (Exchange) – $1,450

For students completing a session of exchange or study abroad at an overseas host university of over 12 weeks in duration.

2. Vice-Chancellor Travel grant (Short-term) – $400

For students undertaking a short-term learning abroad program of any type (less than 12 weeks).

3. Supplementary Payment (on return) - $50

For all Vice-Chancellor Travel Grant recipients who complete promotional activities that support Charles Sturt Global marketing objectives (evidence is required).

In addition to the activities you nominate to undertake for the supplementary payment, you'll be expected to regularly share your learning abroad experience while overseas and/or on your return to Australia by

  • Posting photographs/videos to your preferred social media platform tagging @charlessturtglobal and #charlessturtglobal #charlessturtlife;
  • Post photographs and updates to Charles Sturt Global Facebook page; and/or
  • Send your photos and videos to Charles Sturt Global (who will post these to the University's social media pages on your behalf).

You can apply for one exchange and/or one short-term Vice-Chancellor Travel Grant per academic year.

All current students are eligible to apply for a Travel Grant, but if you're receiving an alternative grant or scholarship through Charles Sturt Global, such as New Colombo Plan funding, you're usually not eligible to receive a Vice-Chancellor Travel Grant, however, applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

You must submit this application form and your supporting documents no later than four weeks prior to your departure from Australia. Late applications or applications missing supporting documentation will not be considered.

To apply, submit a Travel Grant Application