Withdraw from a subject

If you need to withdraw from a subject after the census date you should apply for Special Consideration. The request will guide you into a Late Withdrawal or an Approved Withdrawal depending on eligibility and timing.

Late Withdrawal

This pathway is available to eligible students who apply on or before the late withdrawal date. Approval will be automatic, and you’ll receive a Late Withdrawal (LW) grade.

No supporting documents are required.

Approved Withdrawal

This pathway is available to students who may not be eligible for the above option or are trying to withdraw after the late withdrawal date and have documented evidence of:

  • a severe or prolonged illness
  • experienced another form of misadventure
  • other extenuating circumstances

Your grade:

  • If the Head of School approves your application for special consideration, you’ll receive an Approved Withdrawal (AW) grade.
  • If your request is declined and you don’t complete the subject requirements, an FL (fail) grade will be recorded on your transcript.
  • If you haven’t been assessed for any summative assessment tasks in your subject, you’ll receive FNS (Fail non-submission) grade.

Alternatives to withdrawing

Depending on the timing through the session and the work you’ve completed to date, withdrawal may not always be the best solution. You also have the option to apply for an extension beyond the end of session, short-term extensions, or a deferred exam.

View the types of Special Consideration

How to apply

Step 1

Check the deadlines

You should apply for Special Consideration as soon as possible after the circumstances have occurred.

See Time Limits for Special Consideration submission.

You should also see Principal Dates for when the Census Date occurs.

Step 2

Prepare your documentation for an Approved Withdrawal (AW) request

You must include the right documentary evidence to support your application.

If you're applying because of illness, your medical practitioner will need complete a Charles Sturt University Student Medical Certificate form [PDF] and you must submit this with your request.

Step 3


If you want to apply for an AW after the final grade for that subject has been released, you must apply for a Review of Final Grade.

Submit a Request for Special Consideration form and select To withdraw from a subject (No supporting documents required) for a Late Withdrawal request; OR To withdraw from a subject (Supporting documents may be required) for an Approved Withdrawal request.

Apply now

Refunds/Waivers for Approved Withdrawals

If you are granted an LW or AW grade, you will not automatically be given a waiver of your HECS-Help liability (or a refund if you paid upfront) for the subject. You will need to apply separately for a refund and your reasons for withdrawing must meet the criteria.

Access and search for the Remission or Reimbursement Application form.

More information

  • Read the 'Withdrawing from subjects' section of the Enrolment and Fees Policy.
  • For assistance with your application or questions, contact a Student Advocate or Student Central.
  • Sydney and Melbourne Study Centre students must meet with their respective Course Coordinators for any variation to their enrolment.