Academic skills help

We all want to succeed in life and study. If you need a little bit of support to make that a reality, we're here to help.

The skills you learn at Charles Sturt will help you in various courses throughout your academic career and, believe it or not, your everyday life too.

Your enrolment at Charles Sturt comes with free study support services to help you succeed. You can access plenty of resources, including over 80 pages of academic and learning skills support.

We offer:

  • self-paced learning
  • interactive workshops
  • one-on-one training and online courses

We'll help you get the most out of the precious time you put into finishing your degree!

We can help you with...

Showing of workshops and events

Talk to an expert

There are two ways you can ask us questions.

If you're still having trouble, you can book a 1-on-1 appointment with one of our advisers.

Make an appointment

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