From time to time during your university experience, you may find that you are faced with challenges, such as a decision being made that may impact your future study or career.
If you want to dispute a decision made by the University the information below will help you with your submission.
Before submitting an application to the university, you need to understand what does and does not form grounds of review or appeal. Just because you disagree with a decision made by the University does not automatically make you eligible to make a request for a review or appeal.
Read the grounds for your particular type of review or appeal carefully. Once you know how the appeal process works and your situation meets all of the criteria set out for requesting a review or appeal you can move to the next step.
There are many different types of reviews and appeal scenarios available for students. You'll need to follow the procedures for the type of appeal you want to submit.
What makes a great appeal submission and what doesn't? We want the best result for you too.