How the appeal process works

If you decide to apply for an appeal or review of a decision made at the university, it helps to understand what steps are involved in assessing your request.

Here's how a request for a review or appeal works.

There are a number of decisions that can be appealed or reviewed at the university.

If you do not understand the reason/s for the original decision made you are encouraged to ask the original decision-maker for an explanation.

If the original decision-maker refuses your request or you are still not satisfied with the decision, you may be able to apply for an appeal.

Read the University Students Appeals Policy and Procedure for the criteria and process of the appeals and review process.

Functions and powers

The appeals decision-maker or the University Student Appeals Committee can only hear an appeal application if the ground for the appeal is listed in the University Students Appeals Policy and Procedure.

In most cases, the appeals decision-maker or the University Students Appeals Committee will only look at the process the original decision-maker followed rather than rehear your case.

The appeals decision-maker or the University Student Appeals Committee has the power to:

  • make a final decision on the matter,
  • vary an original decision made,
  • set aside a decision and substitute a new decision, and
  • remit a decision to the decision-maker for reconsideration.

The original decision

The original decision made will usually continue to progress during the assessment of your appeal application. The original decision can be reversed should your appeal application be upheld or varied.

If the original decision is to cancel, suspend or exclude your enrolment, an order will be made which suspends the original decision from being put in place.

Grounds for appeal

Just because you disagree with a decision that has been made, does not mean you will be eligible to apply for an appeal. An application for appeal will be considered if you meet the grounds for appeal, being:

  • There is evidence that there has been a failure to provide procedural fairness in hearing and/or making a decision, by the original decision-maker, and
  • there is new evidence of factors outside your control that impaired your original response, which:
    • you could not reasonably have been expected to provide at the time the original decision was made, and
    • would have been a significant factor in the original decision.


Your application should be submitted within 10 business days of when you received the decision from the original decision-maker. Or, within 20 business days if you are an international student and you have been excluded from your course or the University.

Late applications are only accepted in exceptional circumstances. To request an extension, email the University Appeals Officer via before your appeal is due.

Need help?

You may want to look at How to Build a Strong Appeal Application.

You may also want a Student Advocate to assist you or look over your appeal application before you apply for an appeal. You can contact a Student Advocate.

After you submit an Appeal Application

The University Students Appeals Officer will send you a confirmation letter explaining what will happen next. The University Students Appeals Officer will also notify the original decision-maker that an appeal application has been received.


Once your appeal is assessed you will be emailed an outcome of upheld, vary or denied.


If your appeal is upheld:

The original decision made will be replaced with a different decision.


If your appeal is varied:

The original decision made will be varied. There will be specific instructions or conditions in the email sent to you of what the variation is.


If your appeal is dismissed

The original decision will remain and will not be changed.

The decision made on your appeal application will be final and is not appealable internally within the University.