Financial assistance for intensives and placements

We understand that there are extra costs associated with attending intensive schools and workplace learning.

If you are eligible, you can apply for assistance through the Away From Base program.

What it covers

As First Nations student you may be eligible for the Away From Base program.

The program provides financial assistance for meals, travel and accommodation for eligible students while attending compulsory intensive schools and/or professional placements.

How to apply

Step 1

Check your eligibility

You are eligible to apply for an Away from Base grant through us if you:

  1. Are an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
  2. Are approved for one or more ABSTUDY benefits payable by Centrelink during the funding year.
  3. Are undertaking an approved AFB course online, including:
    • 1121MH Diploma of Health Science (Mental Health)
    • 1221MH Associate Degree in Health Science (Mental Health)
    • 1502SW Bachelor of Social Work
    • 1708PQ Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying)
    • 3314WJ Graduate Certificate in Wiradjuri Language, Culture
    • 4409MH Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health)
    • 4415NS Bachelor of Nursing
    • 4418PM Bachelor of Paramedicine
    • 4421MH Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health)
    • 4421NS Bachelor of Nursing
  4. Are not currently in receipt of any other residential grants
  5. Do not receive work place funding

Apply for eligibility

If you are studying a course that is not on this list, you may be eligible for Away From Base support through Services Australia.

If you require support when applying, book a yarn with a First Nations student adviser.

Step 2

Apply for the grant

You can receive the grant for each intensive school or work placement you're required to attend. You need to apply for this grant before attending each time.

To ensure your funding is approved, submit your application at least six weeks prior to your attendance.

Intensive schools

Before starting your application you must have documentation that confirms you are currently receiving ABSTUDY payments, noting that:

  • The name on your documentation must be the same as the name on your Charles Sturt University enrolment
  • The word ABSTUDY must be contained somewhere in the document
  • You must have this documentation available before you apply for Intensive School Grant Funding.

Work placements

To be approved for the grant students must attach Letters of Confirmation from the Course Clinical Coordinator and the Placement provider. The letters must include details such as dates of the placement, placement site, contact person and address.

Apply for the grant

When things go wrong

We understand that sometimes things happen unexpectedly in life, the sooner you let us know the sooner we can help you.

To understand the terms and conditions of the Away From Base Program, please refer to the Student Booklet.

If you are unsure, book a yarn with a First Nations student adviser.

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