Social activities and recreation

At Charles Sturt, we believe your social and cultural experience at university is just as important as your time in the classroom.

We love to have fun at Charles Sturt and there options for you to connect with likeminded people, make friends, have new experiences and discover your passions. All you need to do is decide to get involved!

Four ways to get involved


Join a club or association

Whether you want to join club based on your course (like the Student Dental Association or Green Adventure People), hobbies, social, sporting, cultural or spiritual interests, whatever your preference clubs are a great way to get involved in University life.

You can join a club anytime and during Session 1 (March) we also hold a Clubs Day to showcase the many clubs and societies on offer on your campus and encourage students to sign up.

Charles Sturt International Students is a group just for Charles Sturt students. It's your space to share uni-related experiences and ideas, ask questions relevant to Charles Sturt student life and connect with the Charles Sturt community.

If you have concerns about a post in Charles Sturt International Students, please use the ‘report to admin’ function. If you have any other questions or concerns, you can email us.

Join the Charles Sturt International Student Association Facebook page

Browse all clubs


Play a sport

There are many sporting clubs across all the campuses at Charles Sturt or within the community. Whether you are looking for a social game or to play as a member of a Charles Sturt team in a local competition, we have something for everyone and every level.

More about sport


Explore your spirituality

At Charles Sturt we have students from many different cultural, spiritual and religious backgrounds and it is important to us that you feel supported to explore and maintain your own beliefs and traditions.

We offer physical facilities such as prayer rooms and Visiting Spiritual Advisers who provide one-on-one support and organise group activities, worship services and more. Visiting Spiritual Advisers are available to provide support to on campus students.

Spiritual support at Charles Sturt


Become a Student Representative Committee

At Charles Sturt, Student Representative Councils, or SRCs, are the student voice. They represent the interest and experiences of Charles Sturt's on campus and online students. You can get in touch your local SRC representatives if you have an issue or idea that you want to raise. You may also wish to stand for election on your campus SRC.

Find out more about the SRC

Showing of workshops and events