Tax file number

A tax file number (TFN) is a unique number issued to individuals to administer tax and other Australian Government systems. It's one of your most important forms of identification in Australia.

It's yours for life and keeping it secure is a good defence against identity theft.

Tax files numbers (TFNs) are important for:



Not having a TFN when you work you will mean that you pay higher taxes. Some students are not sure whether or not they will work in Australia. However, it is a good idea to get a TFN so you have it if you do decide to work, rather than having to apply and wait later. A TFN is also useful for lodging a tax return.



When you open a bank account you will be asked for your Tax File Number. If you do not have one the bank may withhold some of the interest earned on your account. If you don't have a TFN when you open the bank account, you can give the number to the bank once you receive it.

Learn more about banking

Please remember that your TFN is valuable. Don't share it with friends and don't provide it on the internet when applying for work. Keep it secure.

Applying for a TFN

You can apply for a TFN online after you arrive in Australia if you have a:

  • visa that allows work rights
  • visa that allows permanent migration
  • valid overseas student visa, or
  • valid visa to stay in Australia indefinitely.

To apply, see the Australian Taxation Office website. When applying online, you do not have to physically provide proof of your identity.

If you have applied in the past but have misplaced your number, you can also use the above link to get confirmation of your TFN mailed to you.

Please note that applying for a TFN using false or other people's identity details or misusing your TFN, can mean heavy fines or jail.

If you need more information about TFNs, you can contact the Australian Tax Office Monday to Friday, between 8.00am and 6.00pm by telephone by dialing 13 28 61, or online anytime.