Using the internet

Your student login gives you internet access using the Charles Sturt University network.

You can connect to the internet in a number of ways.

On campus at Charles Sturt

On campus at other universities

  • access the internet at other Australian Universities using eduroam.

If your Charles Sturt password has expired, you will be unable to access the Internet on campus.

Internet quotas: We currently don't enforce any download quotas. However, your usage is tracked, and you may be contacted if there is excessive or unusual usage patterns.

Internet authentication

Authentication for internet access is automatic once you have successfully

  • Connected your personal device to our wireless network (eduroam)
  • Logged into a Charles Sturt learning commons or Lab PC

Accessing the internet form a wired port in a student residence requires the use of the netauth authentication portal. To do this:

  • Enter a website address into your web browser (you should be prompted to enter your Charles Sturt username and password).
  • Once you have authenticated you will be presented with 2 options.
  • Click ‘Authenticate this device for internet access’
  • This will load a popup window (you will need to allow popups from this site in your browser settings).
  • You should be redirected to the original internet site you requested.  Sometimes you way have to re-enter the site now that you are authenticated.
  • The netauth pop up window must remain open after you login (closing the window will cut access to the Internet within 10 minutes).

Note: you should be automatically redirected to the authentication portal when you try to browse to an internet site. If this does not happen you can manually navigate to the portal.

Authenticating other devices for internet access

Some students may have devices (e.g. games consoles) which are unable to authenticate themselves or are unable to load the netauth authentication portal and keep alive popup.

You can manually authenticate these devices against your Charles Sturt credentials so they can access the internet.

  • Navigate to the netauth authentication portal (you should be prompted to enter your Charles Sturt username and password).
  • Once you have authenticated you will be presented with 2 options.
  • Select “Authenticate a different device for internet access”.
  • You will be presented with a page to register your device
    • Enter a description of the device example | “My Playstation”
    • Enter the device MAC.  The location of the MAC will vary from device to device but is generally found in network or wi-fi settings. (note the MAC for wireless will be different to the MAC for Wired connections if the device supports both)
    • Select how long you would like to authenticate the device for (maximum time is 24 hrs)
    • Select connect
  • The page can remember the last 5 devices you have previously entered.
  • You can choose to re-register one of these without the need to enter the MAC again
    • Just select the device from the most recent devices list and select connect
  • Authentication could take a minute to process.
  • The device will automatically unauthenticated at the end of the selected timeframe and you will need to authenticate it again if you wish to access the internet form it.

Restrictions to some services

Some services are always blocked for security policy reasons. If you believe a service has been incorrectly blocked you can call student central and log a request for this to be reviewed.