Virtual Desktop - VMware Horizon

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) provides access to the university network and standard applications at any time, from any location, with multiple devices with an active internet connection.

You can use VDI to:

  • access and use software
  • save documents from software
  • print from VDI to any printer at your off campus location
  • print from software to your own printer
  • print a document to PDF format and email to yourself
  • use internet browsers (eg Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox)

Logging into VDI

The way you login to VDI has changed to include multi-factor authentication (MFA). This will improve the security of your details and the system. Learn how to set up MFA.

  • Login to VDI using a Windows, Apple or Android device from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • You will need to enter your university username and password to login.
  • Ensure "CSUMAIN" is selected in the log onto box.

Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 - 32 or 64 bit

  1. Open a web browser and download the .exe file for VMware Horizon Client for Windows
  2. Select the download button
  3. Run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen instructions
  4. Once the installer is complete, you will need to reboot your computer before you can use the VMware Horizon Client. Once the VMware Horizon Client for Windows is installed, go to the "How do I connect using the VMware Horizon Client?" section below

Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite and up

  1. Open a web browser and download the .dmg file for Download VMware Horizon Client for MacOS
  2. Select the download button
  3. Mount the downloaded disk image file and drag the VMware Horizon Client app to your Applications folder
  4. The first time you run the VMware Horizon Client app, it will ask you for your Mac's Administrator password
  5. Once the Horizon VMware Client for MacOS is installed, go to the "How do I connect using VMware Horizon Client?" section below

iOS on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running iOS 8.4.1 and up

VMware Horizon Client for iOS is a free iOS app. You install it just as you do any other third-party iOS apps.

  1. Open your device's app store
  2. Search for VMware Horizon Client
  3. Tap "Get" to download the app to your device

If you're viewing these instructions on your iOS device, you can follow the direct app store link to VMware Horizon Client for iOS

Once the VMware Horizon Client for iOS is installed, go to the "How do I connect using the VMware Horizon Client?" section below.

Android smartphone or tablet running Android 4.0 and up

VMware Horizon Client for Android is a free Android app. You install it just as you do any other third-party apps.

  1. Open your device's app store
  2. Search for VMware Horizon Client
  3. Tap "Get" to download the app to your device

Once the VMware Horizon Client for Android is installed, go to the "How do I connect using the VMware Horizon Client?" section below.

For those users who do not wish to install the software or are unable to install it, there is the Charles Sturt University VMware Horizon Web Interface.

This will give you access to your virtual desktop environment, however there are limitations such as local devices not being available. This includes printers, USB, CD/DVD and local files.

How do I connect using the VMware Horizon Client?

Once you've downloaded and installed the VMware Horizon Client onto your device:

  1. Open the application
  2. Go to
  3. Enter your university username and in the passcode field enter your university password, click login
  4. In the Next Code field, enter push or the passcode from your Duo Mobile app, click continue
  5. Select your desktop to connect

Saving data while using VDI

While inside the VDI environment, you will be able to access your own computer's hard drive or USB storage devices plugged into your own computer. Please make sure to save any work onto these storage devices. Documents saved in any other location will be lost.

The VDI environment is refreshed regularly. As a result, work saved in any location other than those listed above will be deleted.

Enable file and folder sharing in VDI


  • Connect to from inside the VMware Horizon client
  • Click on the cog icon in the top right corner of the screen


  • Connect to from inside the VMware Horizon client
  • Click on “VMware Horizon Client” in the top left corner of the screen and click on “Preferences”

Managing folder sharing and access

The user folder will be named the username you log in to your computer with and includes folders such as your documents and download folders.

This folder should be automatically shared with the VDI environment. If your folders aren’t appearing inside VDI, click the box to share or allow access to your user folder.

For sharing with USB sticks or portable hard drives, tick the option "Allow access to removable storage".

Click on the + or Add button and in the new window navigate to the desired folder and click Add or Ok.