Student login and password

Use your student login to connect to your online learning environments and other services at Charles Sturt.

Your login (username and password) gives you access to lots of services including:

  • University student computers and printers
  • Student Portal
  • Your Learning Management System (Brightspace)
  • Library Journal Databases
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • PebblePad and many other sites.

You can also use your login to:

Access and manage your account

If it's your first time logging in, you need to activate your account.

Usernames and passwords are case sensitive, this means an upper and lower case letter are not recognised as the same character e.g. a and A are two different characters. For example, if your username is jsmith you must enter it as jsmith, Jsmith or JSmith will not work. If your password is Icy8Cola but you type ICY8COLA, icy8Cola or any other variation you will be unable to login. Similarly typing an o (lower case o) instead of a 0 (zero) or vice versa will also fail.

Check the following:

  • Caps lock - is caps lock turned on?
  • Number lock - if you use the number pad to enter your password, check that Num Lock is on or use the numbers above the letter keys.
  • Typos - did you type your username and password correctly?
  • Keyboard - check the necessary keys on the keyboard are working.
  • Password change - if it has been under 60 minutes since you changed your password and your new one is not working yet try your old password. If neither the old or new password work you will have to wait for the password update to complete.
  • Browser set to remember passwords - if your details are already filled in you need to delete your username and password and type them again.

Other issues which can cause your login to fail:

  • If you keep getting prompted to login or get a blank screen, try clearing your cache, then close and reopen your browser. Enter your username and password again to login. See how to clear your internet browser cache - there are a number of different browsers and versions listed on this page, instructions are also provided for iOS and Android devices.
  • Cookies are required to login.
    • Computer - see enable cookies in your Internet web browser
    • iOS devices - this can vary between iOS versions. Settings, Safari, Block Cookies, From third parties and advertisers. If your version says Accept Cookies, change to Always and then login and then you can repeat and change it to From visited so it doesn't accept cookies from all sites.
    • Android device (default browser) - tap the Internet icon to start the browser then press the phone's menu button, tap More (or if there is no More option go straight to next step), Settings, scroll to Accept Cookies and tap to check the box. If you are using another browser use google to search for instructions for your particular brand, model and browser combination.

It is important to protect and keep your student account secure by changing your password every 120 days. When changing your password for the first time, it is recommended that you save a security question and answer for quick identification purposes.

PhD students must change their password every 120 days to continue access to staff IT services.

Do not disclose your password to anyone. If you suspect someone has guessed your password or has watched as you typed it - you should change it immediately.

Note: Passwords can only be changed up to twice a day.

Go to Changing My Password or Forgotten Password to make the change. You'll receive email notifications confirming your successful password change and use of the password change facility.

The new password should be active immediately.

Your new password must be different from your previous six passwords and must not include your university username.

It must also meet the following criteria:

  • Use a minimum of 8 and maximum of 30 characters – do not include any spaces
  • Use at least 3 of the 4 following character types: lowercase (a-z), uppercase (A-Z), numeric (0-9), supported special characters (~ ! # $ % ^ * - _ = + [ ] \ : , . / ?).

If you attempt to create a password that does not meet the above criteria, you will receive an error message and must set a different password.

Your password will also be checked against a list of known compromised passwords. You will not be able to use a password that is on this list.

For tips on creating strong passwords visit Stay Smart Online – Passwords and passphrases.

Charles Sturt University will never ask you for your password via email, phone, letter or face to face.

If you receive an email requesting you provide your password or account details, or directing you to click a link to login/confirm your password - delete the email immediately.

If you think someone knows your password and has logged into your account - change your password immediately and notify Student Central.

Find out more about protecting yourself online.

No. There are different reasons you may like to change your username. However, your username cannot be changed, as it is automatically allocated and uniquely linked with your student number when you first commence study with Charles Sturt University.