
We recognise and understand the importance of spiritual health and wellbeing in academic life.

Our pastoral and religious support is open to all students, staff, and visitors of any faith or none.

Our spiritual support team is made up of a diverse range of people and groups from different faiths who offer their time as chaplains and guides. Your privacy and confidentiality will always be respected.

Support we offer

We offer spiritual and pastoral care in the following ways.

  • meditative spaces, such as prayer rooms
  • University-appointed Visiting Spiritual Advisers who provide one-on-one support
  • group activities
  • opportunities to worship with others

Religious support by location

Spiritual Adviser (Chaplain)

Brother Denis Devcich, Volunteer Chaplain

Uni Bible Study

Heather Hayes, Staffworker - Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES)

Multifaith room location

Learning Commons Building, Building 753, Room 147.

Please call and leave a message to arrange an appointment

Bathurst Christian Students

Andrew Sennett, Staffworker, Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES)

Fr Diep Nguyen, CSU Chaplain

Multifaith room location

Building 1454, Room 148.

St Mark’s Chapel

St Mark's National Theological Centre

15 Blackall Street, BARTON ACT 2600

This chapel is available for prayer and reflection whenever St Mark's is open. St Mark's National Theological Centre is a partner of our School of Theology. Check St Mark's website for the latest update on Chapel times.

  • Tuesdays to Thursdays during
  • 10:30am during semester
  • Every day during intensives

St Mark’s Outdoor Chapel

St Mark's National Theological Centre

15 Blackall Street, BARTON ACT 2600

Situated behind the Garrett Building at St Mark’s National Theological Centre, this quiet and rustic outdoor chapel is accessible to members of the public.

Labyrinth and Bible Garden

Towards Lake Burley Griffen in the grounds of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

15 Blackall Street, BARTON ACT 2600

  • The Bible Garden features botany that is described in the Bible. Established in 2008, the shape of the garden resembles the Menorah, represent the burning bush where Moses saw the Angel who told him to lead the Israelites to the land of milk and honey.
  • The Garden is open every day and is accessible to members of the public.

The Prayer Room

Australian Centre for Christianity & Culture

15 Blackall Street, BARTON ACT 2600

  • The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture is an ecumenical body that hosts forums and public conversations on matters of national importance for civil society, institutional life, interfaith dialogue, public theology, and ethics. It is a partnership between the University and the Anglican Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn.
  • Holy Communion: Every Tuesday from 8:00am to 8:30am

Orange Christian Students

Greg Blanch, Chaplain and Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students Staffworker

Multifaith room location

Building 1000, Room 202, Prayer Room. Building 1016, Room 101, Multifaith Room.

Muslim Chaplain

Salih Yucel, Associate Professor

Visiting Spiritual Advisor/ Club - Christian Student Uniting Port Macquarie

Rev. Tau’alofa Anga’aelangi, Uniting Church in Australia Tertiary Chaplain

  • Phone: 0401 481 773
  • Email: tangaaelangi@csu.edu.au
  • Chaplains lead a morning prayer at the new Multifaith Room *1180 Building 802 every Monday, 11am -11.30am.
  • Scheduled every week during the Semester. Holy communion is served on the first Monday of every month.

Multifaith room location

Building 802, room 1180.


Peir Woon

Catholic Church

Fr Connell Perry

Muslim Chaplain

Associate Professor Salih Yucel

Christian Fellowship

Mark Woodhouse, Christian Fellowship

Kate Lieschke, Christian Fellowship

Multifaith room location

Building 472