Student Charter

The Student Charter outlines what is expected of you as a Charles Sturt student.

The Charter reflects our community’s shared values of being Insightful, Inclusive, Impactful and Inspiring, and our commitment to excellence, integrity and sustainability in teaching and research.

We all have a role to play.

You are expected to:

  1. Participate in all activities: contribute to teaching, learning and research with honesty, fairness and responsibility.
  2. Take up opportunities: get involved in how our university works.
  3. Give your feedback: tell us how you find studying with us, including what you like and how we can improve.
  4. Take care of yourself and others: take care of the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone, and report any hazards, incidents and accidents.
  5. Treat everyone respectfully: demonstrate respect by showing courtesy, and contribute to safe places free from bullying and discrimination.
  6. Interact with honesty and integrity: get in contact when you have questions or need help, and advocate for yours and your peers’ interests.
  7. Use our services and facilities: use all that’s on offer with respect and responsibility.
  8. Recognise intellectual property: give credit for others’ work, whether produced separately or in partnership with you.

In return, we will ensure:

  1. Everyone’s equal: we include all people and value each person’s academic goals.
  2. Engaging teaching: you’ll receive high quality, accessible and effective teaching.
  3. Recognition of intellectual property: we’ll treat all your original work as yours.
  4. Honest, respectful and timely interactions: you can freely interact with teachers, researchers and support staff, and can expect positive experiences when you do.
  5. Opportunities to have impact: you’ll have a voice and ways to contribute to how our cultural life and the university works.
  6. A safe environment: you’ll be free from harassment and bullying.
  7. Privacy: we’ll keep all your information confidential and secure.
  8. Fair processes: we’ll apply all our policies, procedures and guidelines fairly.