Support services directory

We have a list of subject matter experts that can help support you with your individual needs. Simply search for what you need help with and we will tell you what help is available.

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Academic progress support

To remain enrolled as a student at Charles Sturt University, you must  pass at least 50% of your subjects, along with other criteria set out in the Academic Progress Policy. Find out about the support available if you're at risk.

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Academic Skills team

We help you develop all the skills you need to be successful in your studies. This includes reading, writing, proofreading, editing, referencing, critical thinking, note-taking, exam preparation, numeracy, computer, and learning skills. You can even get feedback on ways to improve the writing in your assignment draft before submitting it for marking.

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Accessibility and Inclusion support services

We support students whose studies may be impacted by a mental health, medical or physical condition, sensory impairment, learning disability, temporary conditions (such as broken limbs) and pregnancy.

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Advocacy and support

The Student Advocacy team at Charles Sturt will provide you with advice and assistance to help navigate the University’s rules, policies and procedures.We can help you with Academic or General Misconduct, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, the Appeals Process, Academic Progress, Review of Grade, Special Consideration and your feedback or complaints.

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Campus security

Security services are provided through a combination of on-campus staff, mobile patrols, 24/7 emergency response and static guarding. For emergencies call 000 (fire, police, ambulance), then call campus security.

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Cancelling or dropping out of uni

We understand there can be lots of pressures outside of university that can mount up. But before you leave us understand your options.

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Careers and Skills team

We can help you get a competitive edge over other job seekers. This includes help to find work (casual, part-time or graduate positions),  prepare a job application, get ready for an interview or develop the skills needed to succeed in the workplace. We can support you with insurance for voluntary work placements. Our team can also provide advice if you are unsure about whether the course you are studying is right for you.

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Club support

We have a Student Representation & Clubs Officer for each campus. You can reach out to them with questions and ideas.

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Counselling services

We provide free and confidential counselling services to help you succeed at university.

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Elite athlete and performer program support

Our dedicated staff member is here to assist our registered Elite Athlete and Performer Program members to manage their commitments.

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Equity and diversity support

We support the full diversity of the student community, raising awareness and reducing barriers to inclusive practice.

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Financial support services

Find out how to take control of your money to reduce stress, get through uni and graduate. We can help you to make a financial plan so you’re confident about what costs to expect and can budget.

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First Nations students support

We help First Nations students with all aspects of your academic journey, as well as social, cultural and personal support

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International students support

We support International Students. We can help you with a range of topics; adjusting to Australian campus life, visa requirements, health cover issues, learning support, homesickness, connecting with your community and financial support.

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Justice of the Peace (JP)

You can find Justices of the Peace (JPs) on each of our campuses. They're volunteers who undertake special responsibilities, such as signing documents that require a qualified witness.

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Legal services and advice

If you need to go to court or you have questions about a general legal matter, it is important that you receive professional legal advice. We have list of recommended services near each campus.

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Library services

The Library can help you find your readings and textbooks, access the information you need to succeed in your studies, develop your research skills and improve your digital literacy. Contact us for more information about Library services.

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Misconduct support

Charles Sturt takes an extremely strict approach to misconduct by students. If you want to report a misconduct or get support appealing an alleged accusation we can support you.

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The Ombudsman can provide information and guidance on rights and responsibilities, University regulations and procedures, and mediation between conflicting parties. The Ombudsman links complaints, problems or concerns into the quality management framework for the University and seeks to use resolution options as tools for quality improvement.

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Online study support

We offer you personalised help to succeed with your online studies. We assist with orientation, navigating the online environment, digital skills for learning, as well as any general online study questions.

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Research students support

If you're a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student start here for all your support needs.

We have various research support services designed to provide support for Researchers, Supervisors and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Candidates across their research endeavours and careers.

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Residence Life support

If you're a student living on campus our Residence Life team is here to help. Each campus has Residential Leaders. There is one Manager of Residential Operations who is supported by Residential Operations Coordinators on each campus. Whatever you need help with.

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Reviews and appeals support

From time to time during your University experience, you may find that you are faced with challenges, such as a decision being made that may impact your future study or career. If you want to dispute a decision made by the University we have support and best practice templates to help you with your submission.

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Scholarships and financial advice

Everyone deserves access to higher education. That's why Charles Sturt University awards more than $3 million in scholarships and grants to students like you each year. Scholarships aren't just for new students or academic brilliance, we have scholarships for continuing students, financial hardship and many other reasons.

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Sexual assault and harassment support

If you're a Charles Sturt student studying though one of our Study Centres, all of your questions should be answered by your partner institution.

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Special consideration support

If your studies are disrupted by illness or other serious circumstances, you can apply for special consideration for your subjects.We have information on the types of applications from deferred exams to assignment extensions. On this page you will also find the contact details for your dedicated Student Liaison Officer.

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Spirituality and religious support

We have religious support at each of our campuses.

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Sport support

You can join a sports club, get involved in social sport on campus, represent Charles Sturt at Uni Nationals events, utilise our Charles Sturt UniMoves app and enjoy our gyms and sporting facilities.

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Student Representatives

Student Representative Committees (SRCs) provide support, feedback and inform decision makers in the University of your requirements and expectations.

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Study Link support

If you're feeling nervous about uni-level studies or a particular subject we offer short, online subjects that prepare you for success. We offer a range of topics including writing, numeracy (mathematics and statistics) and science. Check out our free subjects now.

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Studying with children

Find out about our parent rooms and childcare centers, support for having a baby while studying and our tips for studying while caring for children.

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Technical support

We have self-help guides if you're having trouble with your login, connecting to the Wi-Fi or finding a computing of printing facility on campus. You can also find known or planned service disruptions. If you still can't find what you're looking for contact Student Central.

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