Contribution to Sport on Campus

Awarded to a student (or group) who has demonstrated outstanding delivery and program management of a student campus sporting program (eg. A Social Sport Program) which facilitated increased participation in sport and physical activity, focussing on inclusivity, participation and support network building.

Prize: $500 individual or $1000 group

The Contribution to Sport on Campus Award recognises and celebrates the exceptional efforts and achievements of a student or group who have demonstrated outstanding delivery and program management of a student campus sporting program. This award acknowledges their significant contribution in facilitating increased participation in sport and physical activity, with a focus on inclusivity, participation, and support network building within the Charles Sturt University community.

This award highlights the dedication, innovation, and leadership displayed by the recipient(s) in creating and managing a student campus sporting program that positively impacts the overall student experience and promotes a culture of active living.

Criteria for nomination and selection include:

  • Enrolled Student at Charles Sturt University: The nominee (if an individual) must be an enrolled student at Charles Sturt University, actively working towards a degree or diploma during the eligibility period for the award.
  • Program Delivery and Management: Successfully planned, organised, and executed a student campus sporting program that has effectively engaged and attracted a diverse range of participants. This can include activities such as a Social Sport Program or any other initiative that encourages physical activity and sport on campus.
  • Increased Participation: The program implemented by the nominee(s) should have contributed to a noticeable increase in participation rates in sport and physical activity among students. This can be measured by the number of participants, the frequency of engagement, and the diversity of student demographics reached.
  • Inclusivity and Accessibility: The nominee(s) should have actively promoted and fostered inclusivity within the program, ensuring that all students, regardless of their skill level, gender, background, or abilities, feel welcome and encouraged to participate. The program should provide opportunities for everyone to engage in sports and physical activities in a supportive environment.
  • Support Network Building: The nominee(s) should have facilitated the creation of a strong support network among participants, promoting teamwork, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging within the Charles Sturt University community. The program should have provided opportunities for students to connect with others who share similar interests and build meaningful relationships.
  • Innovation and Creativity: The nominee(s) should have demonstrated innovation and creativity in designing and implementing the program. This can include introducing new and engaging activities, incorporating technology or social media platforms, or utilizing unique approaches to promote sport and physical activity on campus.
  • Program Impact and Sustainability: The program should have had a significant and lasting impact on the student community, fostering a culture of physical well-being, active living, and overall student engagement.