Sporting Leader of the year

Awarded to a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership through a significant contribution to enhancing the student experience through sport.  This could involve outstanding leadership of a sporting club, or student focussed sporting activity either individually, or as part of a program run by the University or demonstrating exemplary leadership at Uni Nationals event/s in the form of a Team Manager or Charles Sturt Team Captain.

Prize: $500

Criteria for nomination and selection include:

  • Enrolled Student at Charles Sturt University: The nominee must be an enrolled student at Charles Sturt University, actively working towards a degree or diploma during the eligibility period for the award.
  • Demonstrated Leadership Skills: The nominee should have exhibited strong leadership qualities, such as effective communication, organisation, motivation, and decision-making skills.
  • Impact on Student Experience: The nominee's leadership should have had a significant positive impact on the overall student experience in the realm of sports. This can include fostering a sense of community, promoting inclusivity, and enhancing team spirit.
  • Contribution to Sporting Clubs or Activities: The nominee should have made a notable contribution to a sporting club or student-focused sporting activity. This could involve holding a leadership position within a club, initiating new programs or initiatives, being a team manager or captain at Uni Nationals or actively engaging and supporting fellow student athletes.
  • Program Engagement: If the nominee participated in a sports program run by the University, their involvement and leadership within the program should be considered. This could include coaching, mentoring, or organising events for other student athletes.
  • Exceptional Performance as a Team Manager or Captain: If the nominee has served as a Team Manager or Charles Sturt Team Captain at Uni Nationals event/s, their exemplary leadership during these events should be considered. This can involve guiding and supporting the team, demonstrating effective decision-making, and fostering a positive team dynamic.
  • Demonstrated Ethical Conduct: The nominee should have displayed high ethical standards and integrity in their leadership role. This includes demonstrating fairness, respect, and sportspersonship in their interactions with others.
  • Impact and Legacy: The nominee's leadership should have left a lasting impact and created a positive legacy within the sports community at the University. This can be assessed through the long-term influence on student engagement, team dynamics, and overall student experience.