Community club registration

A Community club is a club that originated as a Charles Sturt University student club and has surpassed the criteria that define a Student club yet still wants to remain connected to the University.

A student club is recognised by its membership quotas. A student club must maintain a membership of at least eight student members:

  • current students must make up 60 per cent of the club's membership
  • no more than 40 per cent of members can be associate members (non-students)
  • the executive of the club must all be students

When current student membership falls below this level, for example, the group includes 40 per cent of members that are now alumni, it is considered a community club.

To register as a community club

Your club must also:

  • have previously been an affiliated club of the University
  • normally be affiliated with an external governing body, e.g. a sporting association, and follow that body's code of conduct
  • manage its own finances and processes
  • maintain relevant insurance policies such as personal accident insurance and general and public liability insurance.

Community clubs are also expected to meet behavioural standards that protect the University's reputation.

Before you register

You'll need the following documentation:

  • Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes
  • a copy of your club's Constitution
  • Certificates of currency
    • Personal accident insurance and general public liability insurance in the amount of $20 million.

Promote your club

We typically print our SRC and Clubs booklet at the start of the calendar. If you would like to be included, please include a club photo, description and link to sign up on the registration form.

Register a Community club

Get support

To find out more, speak to your Student Connection Officer or email us.

Kerry Read

Student Connection Officer
Phone: 02 6051 9435
Monday – Friday
Building/Room: 725/116

Alexandra Cary

Student Connection Officer
Monday - Thursday
Phone: 02 63384765
Building: 1410/141

Matt Hilder

Student Connection Officer
Phone: 02 6365 7658
Monday – Friday
Building/Room: 1001/A.25

Kris Gersbach

Senior Student Connection Officer
Phone: 02 6885 7303
Monday – Friday
Building: 901/146

Sophie Hunt

Student Connection Officer
Phone:  02 6582 9389
Monday – Thursday
Building/Room: 801/2027

Jonathon Wright

Student Connection Officer
Phone: (02) 69 332248
Monday – Friday
Building/Room: 18/101

Karen Butts

Student Connection Officer
Phone: (02) 6933 2116
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Building/Room: 18/101

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