Event information form

Charles Sturt University is committed to improving Campus vibrancy by supporting Student led events and activities that comply with the University Duty of Care and bound by our Policies and Procedures.

Before you begin

  1. For an event/Activity request to be approved, you must be a member of an affiliated organisation
    (Either a club or with an SRC) at Charles Sturt. If you aren't, your request won't be approved, and you will be directed to work with an appropriate organization to produce your event.
  2. If your event is an SRC event or a student club event, you must discuss this event with a Student Representation & Clubs Officer (SRCO) before submitting or it will NOT be approved.
    Pre-approval will include completing a Risk Assessment template, a Pre-approval Event budget template, and provided minutes from your SRC/Club meeting where this Event/Activity has been endorsed.
  3. You will be declaring if you are submitting an activity or event
    1. An event has more than 50 participants/attendees AND one or more of the following:
      1. Alcohol is expected to be consumed
      2. More than $2000 financial outlay
      3. Increased risk based on focus (sporting, physical requirements etc)
    2. An activity has less than 50 participants/attendees and:
      1. No alcohol is expected to be consumed
      2. Less than $2000 financial outlay
      3. Minimal risk based on activity (study groups, meetings, dinners etc)
  4. That you have read and understood the Residence agreement [pdf]
  5. That you have read and understood the Alcohol & other drugs policy and confirm that:
    1. this event complies with all sections of the policy,
    2. understand that alcoholic drinking games and other activities that promote binge drinking, or rapid intoxication are prohibited,
    3. and understand that the event organiser or their nominee will monitor compliance with risk control measures outlined in this event plan during the event.

When submitting your event for approval, you will need to attach (2MB upload limit per file) the following to the event submission:


Risk Assessment

Complete according to your event type. This MUST be completed with your SRCO (Student Representation & Clubs Officer) and distributed to your committee, external venue, security etc when implementing the agreed control measures.

Pre-approval Budget Template

This is an estimate of all related expenses associated with holding the event/ activity. This requires university endorsement through your SRCO. (Student Representation & Clubs Officer)


External venue checklist

Complete this with your venue when planning an event at an external venue off campus only

Awards and prizes list

Complete this if you are providing awards or prizes at this activity/event

Committee minutes  

These are documented minutes of the meeting where several members of the committee have endorsed the event/activity to go ahead.

RSA certification

If Alcohol will be served by SRC/club members.

Complete Form

All details must be completed for event/activity to be considered for approval.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk*

Your details
Today's date *
Club/SRC/SRCO Details
Is this for *
Are you working with another group or Res Life staff member on this event/activity? *
Event/activity information
Is this an: *
Start date *
End date *
Will you be giving out any awards or prizes at this event? If yes, please attach the Awards and Prizes list [docx] at the end of the form
Is this a recurring event? *
Please provide a brief description of what the activity/event entails and the expected outcomes/objectives.
Proposed location *
Would you like this advertised on the student portal? * It will be added to Workshops & events in the relevant filtering laid out in this form
Event Budget Template [xlsx]
Attendance & tickets
Will this event/activity involve tickets? * If no, continue to next section
Who is allowed to purchase tickets?
Ticket sales launch date
Ticket sales end date
Risk Items and Declaration
Will there be alcohol at this event? *
Will Alcohol be served by SRC/club members? *
Do the Servers hold Responsible service of Alcohol (RSA)?
Declaration by event organiser *
Supporting documents
Risk Assessment [xlsx]
2 MB upload limit
Event budget template [xlsx]
2 MB upload limit
2 MB upload limit
(If applicable) If Alcohol will be served by SRC/club members
2 MB upload limit
(If applicable) External Venue checklist [docx]
2 MB upload limit
(If applicable) Awards and Prizes template [docx]
2 MB upload limit

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