How to cancel your accommodation

If you need to cancel your on-campus accommodation for any reason, this is the process you'll need to follow.

The cancellation process is different depending on whether or not you've already moved in.

Cancelling your accommodation is a big decision, particularly if you've already moved in. Before you go ahead, please make sure you understand your obligations and have considered your options carefully.

Step 1

Understand the cost and fees

Before you cancel, make sure you understand what you'll need to pay. For example, if you cancel your room after you've already moved in, you'll still need to pay fees for the entire session.*

On top of your fees for the session, you may also need to pay cancellation fees as set out in the following table.

Booking type Cancellation fee
Full time resident $500
Intensive school stays $50

Where to find more information

For detailed information on room cancellations and the associated costs, please read the following documents:

If you're still not sure what fees you'll need to pay, please speak to a Residential Coordinator on your campus, or visit the Residence Life office for advice.

*Students cancelling or deferring their courses may qualify for an exemption.

Step 2

Submit your room cancellation request

If you haven't moved in yet, all you need to do is submit a room cancellation request.

If you've already moved in, you'll need to submit the request then proceed to Step 3.

Room cancellation request

Step 3

Check for room cancellation receipt

Once you've submitted the online form, you should receive a receipt email confirming your request within 24 hours. If you don't receive the email, please try submitting again or contact Student Central.

Step 4

On the day you vacate

On the day you vacate, to avoid extra cleaning fees or fines, make sure you've cleaned your room and ensuite (if applicable). Remember to wipe out the fridge and leave it turned on. If you have a room key, you'll need to return it to the Residence Life office.

Residence Life will inspect your room on the day you vacate. If you vacate on a weekend they'll do the room inspection on the next business day. If you have any questions please call into the Residence Life office.

Step 5

Pay any outstanding charges or update bank account details for refund

Once you have vacated your room and a room inspection has taken place, applicable charges and/or adjustments will be applied to your student account. Please check your student account and pay any outstanding charges accordingly.

If you're expecting a refund for accommodation payments made in advance, you must enter or update your Australian bank account details with us so payment can be made promptly.

More information about refunds

Please see our policies and guidelines for further information on booking changes, alteration, departure and cancellation.