Vijay Tumuluri BDS MSc(medicine) MDSc FRACDS(Periodontics) FICD Vijay Tumuluri graduated from the University of Sydney in 1995. He subsequently completed a Master of Science Degree, studying cell proliferation in oral cancer. A number of papers have been published in Australian and international journals from this research. In 2003 he completed a Master of Dental Science specialising in periodontics and implant dentistry at the University of Queensland in Brisbane. Vijay is an ex-president of the Australian Society of Periodontology (Federal Branch) and is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney. He also teaches postgraduate Dentists at the University of Sydney for their graduate diploma in oral implants and is a member of numerous professional societies and organisations. He is also an ITI fellow.Visiting Specialists
Dr Vijay Tumuluri