
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) meets with the Academic Portfolio Leadership Team (APLT) on alternate fortnights on Thursdays.

If you have an item you would like addressed by one of these groups, please progress it through your relevant representative i.e. Executive Dean, Executive Director or Pro Vice-Chancellor using the APLT meeting submission template.

Faculty of Arts and Education

An innovator in online and blended learning modes, across its on-campus and online courses.

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Bringing together a range of courses and Schools that focus on real-world challenges.

Faculty of Science and Health

Dedicated to advancing the scientific knowledge and health of our communities.

Division of Library Services

Provides students, staff, researchers, and alumni with access to a variety of quality resources, study spaces, and on-campus and online services.

Division of Learning and Teaching

Works in partnership with our Divisions, Faculties and Schools to enhance student learning through supporting our teachers.

Division of Student Success

Offers a wide range of services to commencing and continuing Charles Sturt students, whether they are on campus or online.