Education and workforce development

The Office of Engagement and Enterprise (OEE) manages a portfolio of agreements which represent over 162 institutional linkages in 39 countries. These agreements facilitate research, course delivery, cultural exchange, student and staff exchange and a diverse range of other education activities.

Institutional Linkages

We manage a portfolio of agreements which represent over 162 institutional linkages in 39 countries.

Delivery Partners

Charles Sturt University delivers a range of programs throughout the world in collaboration with quality higher education providers.

Types of Agreements

Our agreements cover a broad range of partnership scenarios, including student and staff exchanges.

Establishing or Renewing an International Agreement

We provide a range of services and expertise to support the University in the development and management of international programs and linkages.

Office of Engagement and Enterprise

The Partnerships Team support Charles Sturt University's strongly held commitment to partnerships by:

  • Working with partners and faculties to establish, expand and renew partnerships that align with University strategy and values;
  • Developing legal agreements to support partnerships including MOU's, joint delivery and articulation;
  • Reviewing and assessing requests from institutions seeking to partner with Charles Sturt;
  • Seeking opportunities to expand partnerships with high quality VET and international providers to establish integrated and articulated pathways for students to study at Charles Sturt;
  • Developing and maintaining current partner relationships and governance. This includes liaison with Divisions and Faculties at Charles Sturt to ensure quality of service delivery;
  • Overseeing the agreement and operation of Charles Sturt University Study Centres and
  • Coordinating and hosting international delegation and partner visits.

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