
What is an announcement?

Announcements are a communication tool that you can use to provide your students with subject information like:

  • Subject reminders
  • Updates
  • Time sensitive information
  • Upcoming due dates
  • Changes in subject outlines
  • Corrections or clarifications in subject content

What can an announcement contain?

An announcement can contain:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Multimedia such as video and audio
  • Links to external websites and other subject content
  • File attachments

Maintain formatting in your announcement

To maintain the formatting of an announcement you are required to send the announcement immediately. This will send the email to the students inbox immediately and will maintain formatting of the announcements.

Screen sample showing the checkbox under options to send a copy immediately.

Features that appear in announcement emails

The Interact2 Announcements tool does not allow all images, files or videos to be viewed from the email copy of the announcements. The following information is a summary of the options available for viewing announcements in emails.  Announcements in Interact2 appear as formatted.

Type of content
or formatting added
Send a copy of this
announcement immediately ticked
Image added via Insert image in editorYesImage appears in email notification.
Image added via Insert image in editorNoImage does not appear in email notification
Link added via hyperlink in editorYesLink appears and can be accessed from email.
If link is to page in Interact 2 site you will be required to log in if not already in Interact 2.
File attachmentYesUser can open or download the file from email. You will be required to log in to Interact 2 if not already logged in.
YouTube video, embedded YesNot visible
Course LinkYes Not visible

Known Issues

View workarounds on the Known Issues page for:

  • Centre aligned text
  • Adding images and files to announcements