Mobile experience

Developing sites for the Mobile Experience

When developing an Interact2 course or subject site it is important to consider the experience of users who will be accessing the site from a mobile device. Ideally, you should view the site yourself on a mobile device during development. Until further developments of the Blackboard Mobile app are released, Interact2 site developers are asked to consider the following:

  • Regard Blackboard and Blackboard Instructor as an extension of the desktop experience – design your site primarily with desktop viewing and interaction in mind.
  • The strength of the mobile applications is in being an avenue for notifications or alerts, interactions with a discussion, and for activities that do not require a lot of time.
  • Embedded media files in content areas will show as links rather than the actual image. This can disrupt the flow of text and media.
  • Some functionality is not supported in the app –instead, users will be redirected to the browser view.

Mobile Applications

For Students

Follow these steps to download and install the 'Blackboard' app:

  1. From your device, access the appropriate online store.
    iTunes Store℠ on your iPhone® device
    Google Play™ on your Android® device
    Windows Store on your Windows® device
  2. Search for 'Blackboard'
  3. Install the app on your mobile device.
  4. Open 'Blackboard' and search for 'Charles Sturt University'.
  5. Log in with your CSU credentials.

Available for:

Subject/Course Site(s) Organisation Site(s)

Available on:

  Android ® iOS ® Windows ®


 Supported Opens in Browser
Subject Outline 
Discussion Board 
Due Dates 
Content Page (e.g. Home) 
Content Items 
Learning Modules 
Blog / Journal 
Self and Peer Assessment 
Web Links 
My Grades 
Offline Content 

* For subject sites, only mobile compatible quizzes will be available. Normal Quizzes are currently available for Organisation sites, but it is expected to be restricted in a future release.

Blackboard Instructor
For Teaching Staff

Follow these steps to download and install the 'Blackboard Instructor' app:

  1. From your device, access the appropriate online store.
    iTunes Store℠ on your iPhone®, or iPad® device
    Google Play™ on your Android® mobile device
    Windows Store on your Windows® device
  2. Search for 'Blackboard Instructor'
  3. Install the app on your mobile device.
  4. Open 'Blackboard Instructor' and search for 'Charles Sturt University'.
  5. Log in with your CSU credentials.

Available for:

Subject/Course Site(s) Organisation Site(s)

Available on:

  Android ® iOS ® Windows ®


 Supported Opens in Browser
Subject Outline 
Discussion Board 
Due Dates 
Content Page (e.g. Home) 
Content Items 
Learning Modules 
Blog / Journal 
Self and Peer Assessment 
Web Links 
My Grades - -
Offline Content 

* For subject sites, only mobile compatible quizzes will be available. Normal Quizzes are currently available for Organisation sites, but it is expected to be restricted in a future release.

Bb Grader

The Bb Grader mobile application is not currently available for CSU.

Blackboard Mobile Learn

Blackboard Mobile Learn is no longer a supported product.

Known Issues

Blackboard mobile app

There have been minor issues with the Blackboard mobile app. If staff or students are experiencing any issues it is recommended the app be uninstalled and then reinstalled.

Apple iPhone - iOS 13 Issues

With the release of iOS 13 Blackboard has identified multiple issues in both the Blackboard and Blackboard Instructor Apps related to:

  • Errors when saving and submitting of assessments that contain files from cloud storage
  • Incomplete display of content from system announcements

To resolve these issues Apple has expedited delivery of iOS 13.1 from September 30th to September 24th.

At this time, we do not recommend that users update to iOS 13 until iOS 13.1 is generally available to the public on September 24th, 2019

Resolution: Update your iPhone to iOS 13.1 and make sure you have the latest version of the Blackboard apps installed.

September 2019

Hiding sites in the mobile app will remove the site name on the Dashboard

When hiding Subject, Course, or Organisation sites in the mobile app, it will also impact your site listing when viewing using your web browser. The Subject, Course, or Organisation site name will be hidden from your site listing; only the Site ID will be displayed, e.g. S-ITC105_201890_W_D.

May 2020