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Track student attendance and use attendance as part of calculating grades.
The Attendance tool can assist in the following ways:
For each class meeting, you can mark whether a student is present, late, absent, or excused. The attendance records for each student appear in a single column next to other grades.
You can use attendance as part of calculating grades just as you can for an assignment grade column.
The attendance tool can be quickly and easily turned on within every Interact2 subject site at CSU – including on campus subjects. It is by default ‘turned off’ within Interact2. Please note there are a few considerations to note which follow on from these simple instructions.
At the start of each class, Access the Attendance tool in the same way: Simply select ‘Subject Management’ in the left-hand administration menu, then Attendance. Complete your verbal roll call. Again, you will see the
default name is set to ‘Today.’ This can be edited as per the above method. Note that you can:
This video demonstrates how to add and use the Attendance Tool in your Interact2 subject site.