When you deploy a test or survey in a content area, you can set the options for multiple attempts, timer, display dates, feedback and presentation.
To access a test or survey's menu, click on down arrow beside test/survey name and select Edit the Test Options or Edit the Survey Options.
The following settings are not recommend for exams:
Prohibit backtracking: If prohibit backtracking is on, the students will not be able to go back to review questions they have read, answered or skipped (this is important when read time is allocated to a test e.g. final exams).
All at once: This option shows all questions at once. This can cause issues with the test that has images and answer box for Essays displaying correctly. Questions one at a time is preferred.
Forced completion: Automatically submits a student's test if the connection is lost. The student cannot recommence the test.
1. If required, Edit the Test or Survey Name.
2. Decide on a test or survey description and when the description and instructions will be shown to students.
3.Open test in new window, select no.
4. Make available to students: if you select this the test or survey will become available immediately unless the display dates are set.
5. Add a new announcement: If you select yes, an announcement will be generated including the test or survey time and location.
6. Multiple attempts: You can decide how many attempts students can complete. If more than one attempt, you can decide how the grade will be generated using the drop down menu Score attempts using.
7. Force completion: Avoid using Force Completion.
8. Set timer. Create a set time limit. The students will see a timer as they take the test or survey. You can choose to have the test or survey auto-submitted when the time runs out, or let students continue working. Select Auto-Submit on.
9. Display time. Decide when and for how long the test or survey will be available to students.
10. Password. You can password protect the test or survey.
11. Test availability exceptions: If a student needs to complete the test or survey after the display date, you can add individual or group exceptions. See section on exceptions for more details in the i2 Help and Support site.
12. Due date: (do not use on final exams) Due-dates are the planned days and times that a test/survey is required to be completed. In other words, due dates are deadlines, and all required work necessary to complete a test/survey must have happened prior to this date. You can make the test or survey available immediately but provide a Due Date. Any due date will impact on test exceptions and DLT does not recommend this option.
If you want the test or survey to be unavailable after the due date has passed, you must select the bubble “Do not allow students to start the Test or Survey if the due date is passed.” Otherwise, they will still be able to take and submit the test or survey, but it will be marked as late.
13. Self Assessment options: If you want the results to show in the grade centre select the first option. The second option "Hide results for this test completely from the instructor and the Grade Centre" can be used if students are completing a test but you do not want to see the result.
14. Show test results and feedback to students: You can set which results and feedback are available to students after they complete a test or survey. Some rules can't be chosen together. If this occurs the options will not be available to select.
You can choose the options for when students can see feedback about the test or survey. DLT recommends that no options are selected.
Set your Feedback Options
15.Test Presentation
16. Click submit