
A Journal is a tool students can use for self-reflection and sharing opinions or ideas.

Only the academic and the student can add and view comments to Journal entries, however, there is the option to make journals public.

Journal types

You can choose to allow students to participate in journals in four ways:

1. Subject level journals (private)

  • By default, student's posts are only visible to the academic and the individual student.
  • Settings can be changed to allow all  journals to become public (visible to all students) after an assessment has been completed.

2. Subject level journals (public)

  • Journal posts are visible to all students within the subject.
  • Students cannot comment on other students’ posts.
  • Students cannot view any comments by you and the student

3. Group public or private journals

  • By default students in the group can view and comment on all posts.
  • You can use the settings to create a private group journal where students only see their own posts.
  1. Ensure the edit mode is ON.
  2. Create or navigate to the place where you would like students to access the journal. This may be on the left navigation or on a specific page.
  3. If you are on a content page use the menu at the top of the page to select:
    1. Tools
    2. Journals 
    3. Create New Journal.
  4. Enter a Name for the journal and Instructions (optional).  The instructions appear at the top of the journal each time it is opened.
  5. Decide if the journal will be available now or at a later.
  6. Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to choose date and time restrictions (optional).
  7. In the Journal Settings section, select Monthly or Weekly Index Entries. Other options allow students to edit and delete entries, or delete comments.
    The option Permit Subject Users to View Journal determines if the journal is public or private.  The default is private.
  8. Grade settings provides the option to grade the journal.
    • If you do not wish to grade the journal you can now select Submit.
  9. Nominate Grade Settings
    If you choose to grade the journal, a column will be created automatically in the Grade Centre. After creating any item in the Grade Centre it is recommend to check your Grade Centre set up.
    1. Select Points Possible
    2. Select the number of posts required to show a Needs Grading icon for that student in the Grade Centre (optional). If you select this option the Needs Grading icon will show in the Grade Centre.
    3. Attach a rubric (optional)
  10. Select Submit.
  1. Ensure the edit mode is ON.
  2. Open the journal.
  3. Click the drop down arrow next to the journal name and choose Edit.
  • Open the journal and select the post you wish to comment on.
  • Select Comment below the user’s entry.
  • Add a comment. Comments are text only.
  • Select Add.
  • To view all comments, select the numbered Comments link below the entry.

You can remove a Journal post by selecting the drop down chevron next to the post title and selecting delete. This cannot be undone.

You can remove a Journal comments by clicking on the red cross next to the name of the person who made the comment. This cannot be undone.

Students can remove posts and comments if this option has been made available in settings.

You can view students' progress via:

  • Needs Grading – when a student has reached the required number of journal entries.
  • Grade Centre
  • On the journal topic page.

If a student has reached the required number of entries for the journal, the Needs Grading icon appears. The In Progress icon appears if the student has not reached the minimum number of posts that has been set or the Show participants in needs grading status check box was not selected.

NOTE:  Instructors will only be able to see students that have submitted inside the journal tool. To identify students who have not submitted view via  the grade centre column.

To grade from the journal
  1. Open the journal.
  2. On the right hand side of the page use the arrows or drop down menu to select the students work to be marked.
  3. Type a point total in the Grade box. If you associated a rubric for this graded journal, expand and complete the rubric. To edit an existing grade, select the Grade box and change the grade.
  4. You can include feedback for the student in the Feedback to Learner box.
  5. Select Add Notes to leave notes that appear only to you and the grader role.
  6. Select Submit.