Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

WPL Editable Autotext

For subjects that are tagged in CASIMS as Workplace Learning (WPL), the Outline template provides Editable Autotext in the sections listed below.

New Outlines will include the default effective autotext. Clones will include section content as provided by the Outline that was cloned; however, the default effective autotext can be drawn into the section via the Clone Autotext Refresh Prompt or using the Autotext Refresh option on the section menu.

Subject content

Workplace learning is a mandatory and assessable component of this subject. You will undertake workplace learning in a real workplace setting. During this time you will gain hands-on experience while supervised and guided by experienced practitioners and develop your ability to integrate theoretical knowledge with contemporary practice.


Workplace learning is a mandatory and assessable component of this subject. You will undertake workplace learning in a real workplace setting. During this time you will gain hands-on experience while supervised and guided by experienced practitioners and develop your ability to integrate theoretical knowledge with contemporary practice.

Workplace learning

Workplace learning is an assessable component of this subject and it is necessary to attend and be deemed competent in the workplace learning component in order to pass the subject.

Student preparation for workplace learning

To be eligible to undertake workplace learning students must complete and submit all pre-placement documentation and requirements. If these requirements are not met within the specific timeframe the student will not be allocated a workplace learning placement and in cases of self-selection the placement will not be approved, resulting in failure of the workplace learning component and failure of the subject. These pre-placement requirements are in place to ensure the safety of students, supervisors, the University and the community. They are a requirement of both the University and other external regulatory bodies.

Costs and funding support for attending workplace learning

The costs for attending workplace learning are solely the responsibility of the student. You should expect to pay for accommodation at the placement site, travel to and from the placement site, as well as food and living expenses. Scholarships are available to assist you to meet the costs of attending placement.

Workplace learning special consideration requests

Students who suffer misadventure or are affected by extenuating circumstances which prevents them from meeting acceptable standards or deadlines, including undertaking workplace learning placements at the time or place allocated, may apply for special consideration. Circumstances that fit misadventure and extenuating circumstances are clearly outlined in the Special Consideration Policy. Students whose circumstances fit misadventure and/or extenuating circumstances, should discuss their individual circumstances with the subject co-ordinator in the first instance and lodge their special consideration request online as early as practicable. Students should note that a successful special consideration request that allows for change of the geographical location or placement dates without failing the subject, does not guarantee that an alternative placement will be able to be sourced within the original time frame. The provision of alternate placements is dependent on placement availability and therefore may delay course progression and ultimately graduation.

Essential requirements to pass this subject

Workplace learning is an assessable component of this subject and it is necessary to attend placement and attain a satisfactory or passing grade in the placement component in order to pass this subject.

A fail grade will be awarded for the workplace learning component of this subject if:

  1. a student has not completed pre placement requirements within the agreed time frame, in this case the student will not be allocated a placement; and/or
  2. the placement is not attempted at the scheduled time and place without an approved special consideration request; and/or
  3. the pass requirements of the placement are not met; and/or
  4. a student displays unprofessional behaviour while on placement including, but not limited to breach of confidentiality, acting or communicating with others in ways that are unethical, inappropriate use of social media, dangerous or unacceptable by the normal standards of the profession, incompetence which places the student, colleagues and clients at risk of harm, demonstrating inappropriate occupational health and safety standards, non-attendance without explanation and/or due cause, continual lateness, lack of preparation, not abiding by site processes and procedures, not following directives of workplace learning supervisors, undertaking illegal acts, abuse or untimely use of alcohol or non-prescription drugs and expressing attitudes or demonstrating behaviours which may harm the reputation of the workplace, the profession and/or the University; and/or
  5. a student is withdrawn from placement for unsafe or unprofessional performance.

Please note it is the student’s sole responsibility to ensure he or she is compliant with all mandatory workplace learning requirements. Students who fail to provide confirmation of compliance with pre placement requirements by the compliance deadline will be ineligible for placement and a Fail (FL) grade will be awarded for the subject. Failure to meet professional standards while on placement may result in a student being immediately withdrawn from a placement and being at risk of exclusion from the course.

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