Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University



If left null, this section will not display in the final version of the Outline.

This section can be used to include details not covered in the task description that specifically relate to presentation such as document format (e.g. Word doc, PDF), cover sheets, font size, layout, etc.

Either the Task, Presentation or Requirements section of an Assessment Item can be used to state the required referencing style and link to the detail of the method on the i2 subject site or other online source. You can refer students to the ART tool at

Examples of presentation

  • Assessment tasks should be submitted on EASTS as a Microsoft Word document. Do not submit as a PDF document.
  • The first page should contain your name, student number, subject code, word count and due date. Please use 12 point font and avoid the use of fancy templates with added colour or graphics.
  • Lines should be double spaced.
  • The assessment tasks should be within +/- 10% of the word limit. The word count is taken from the first word to the last word and includes quotes. Quotes must comprise less than 10% of the total word count.
  • Proof-read your work so that it is free of spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Use language that is appropriate to academic and professional tasks. Ensure you use respectful and appropriate terminology. For assistance, see Learning Skills:
  • Your reference list should contain all source documents that you refer to, quote or paraphrase from. It must conform to the APA referencing style (pdf).