Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Essential Requirements to Pass This Subject


This section is editable and should include all information about what a student must do to pass the subject including any mandatory assessment tasks.

For example:

  • You must receive a grade of Satisfactory for all assessment tasks to pass the subject.
  • You must obtain at least 50% in both the examination and the total mark in order to pass this subject.
  • You must attend intensive (residential) school to pass this subject.
  • You must pass the exam to pass the subject.
  • To be eligible for the grade AA or AE you must have submitted all assessment items in the subject, including the final exam. If you choose not to complete an assessment item or do not sit the final exam then you will not be granted an AA or an AE grade.

Workplace Learning - Editable Autotext

From 201960, Editable Autotext is available for subjects tagged in CASIMS as Workplace Learning (WPL). See WPL Autotexts.

Outlines created from new will contain the current effective WPL Editable Autotext that can be edited as necessary.

Cloned Outlines will include content from the Outline it was cloned from. It can be edited as appropriate; or click Autotext Refresh on the section menu to view and refresh the section with the current effective Editable Autotext whenever the Outline is in an editable state. The Clone Autotext Refresh Prompt incorporates Autotext Refresh into the clone process - so some Authors may have already refreshed Autotext sections upon Outline creation.

If the CASIMS WPL tag is applied or removed after an Outline has been created, the Outline must be deleted and re-created for the WPL Editable Autotext to be included/excluded in the template. Enquire with your Faculty Subjects Team with respect to the requisite process for administering the CASIMS WPL tag.

QA Declaration

A QA Declaration must be made by an Author and QAO on the Essential requirements to pass this subject section.

Learn more:
Making Declarations
Cloned QA Declarations