Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Using Assessment Functionality

Information on using SOT functionality to author Assessment Items is provided here. Please refer to the dedicated help for each section under the Assessment Items grouping for comprehensive information on how to author high quality assessment:

Assessment Items
Essential requirements to pass this subject
Assessment summary table
Assessment Item
Exam Item

The fields and sections included in an Assessment Item and Exam Item are tabled below for ease of comparison.

Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.

Click on sub-pages (left menu) for detailed information on Rationale sub-sections; selecting Subject Learning Outcomes and Graduate Learning Outcomes; and Compliance Checks intended to support development of valid and compliant Assessment Items and Assessment Information.

Assessment ItemExam Item
Assessment Item number (automatically generated whole number)

Marking scheme *

Value % —OR— Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

Due date —OR— Variable date *

Due date —OR— To be advised *
—AND— ‘Centrally administered exam’ checkbox

LengthDuration *

Submission Methods *

  • N/A – submission not required/applicable
  • Select submission method
    • EASTS
    • Post
    • Hand delivered
    • Alternative submission method
  • I2 Activity
    • Interact2 Test
    • Interact2 Self and Peer Assessment
    • Interact2 Discussion Board
    • Interact2 Blog
    • Interact2 Journal
    • Interact2 Wiki

Submission Methods *

  • N/A – submission not required/applicable
  • Select submission method
    • EASTS
    • Post
    • Hand delivered
    • Alternative submission method
Task * Requirements *

Part 1 Select the appropriate stem text + map Learning Outcome/s —OR— select ‘hurdle’ autotext *
Part 2 Editable field for further explain the rationale
Part 3 Select the appropriate Graduate Learning Outcome/s – optional; not required for all assessment tasks

Marking criteria and standards * Marking criteria and standards
Requirements Material provided by the university *
PresentationMaterial provided by the student *
 Sample exam paper
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