Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University


    The SOT has (3) main dashboard areas: Authoring; Quality Assuring; and Tracking (only visible to HOS and Support HOS).

    The Home left hand navigation menu also provides access to the SC Profile (applicable to Subject Coordinators); Reports; Search ; and Manage Support HOS (only visible to HOS and Support HOS).

    All dashboards provide:

  • Publication countdown banner - countdown commences 70 days prior to publication deadline
  • Session filtering - select one or multiple sessions (deselect all to show all sessions in your list)
  • Status count and filtering tiles - click the status tile to apply or remove the status filter
  • Outline Preview - via the hyperlinked ‘Subject offering’ name
  • Roles - lists staff in the Author, QAO and HOS/Support HOS roles
  • History Log - via the hyperlinked ‘Last action date’
  • Actions relevant to your role and the Outline’s status
  • Column sorting
  • Options to show 5/10/25/50/100 Outlines per page
  • Paging - including a count of Outlines in your list

Use the Session Filter to generate your desired list view. Deselect all sessions to default the list to all offerings; or select one (1) or multiple sessions.

The Session Filter will default to domestic sessions (30/60/90) upon release of the session to the SOT. Once you change sessions, your selections will be preserved on next entry to the SOT.