Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University


The ‘Reports’ dashboard provides self-serve point-in-time reporting for staff. All staff can run the Template Report and GLO Report.

Further reports are available to stakeholder groups such as Heads of School (and their Support HOS delegates), Faculty executive and leadership, the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), the Division of Student Success and the Division of Learning & Teaching. If your duties require access to additional reporting, log an SRS Request to be added into the SOT Report User role.

Template Report

The Template Report is available to all staff with the intention of providing a self-serve ability to create a custom overview of the Subject Outline template in effect for a particular session and School/s.


  1. a session
  2. a template (most Outlines use the template that is not specifically for Policing)
  3. optionally select Teaching AOU/s (use to generate an overview specifically for School/s)
  4. optionally include the default Fixed/Editable Autotext in your report

Select the template that is not specifically for Policing

GLO Report

The Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) Report is available to all staff with the intention of providing a self-serve ability to create a point-in-time overview of the GLOs that are selected within each Outline for a particular session and School/s.


  1. One (1) or multiple session/s (from 201915 onwards)
  2. Teaching AOU/s (optional - deselect all to default the report to all Schools)

GLO Extended Report

An Extended GLO Report is available to various groups including Heads of School, Faculty executive and leadership, the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), the Division of Student Services and the Division of Learning & Teaching. It provides further detail about each Outline: subject short name, Teaching School, status, first/last publication date, published version number.


  1. One (1) or multiple session/s (from 201915 onwards)
  2. Teaching AOU/s (optional - deselect all to default the report to all Schools)

AOU Summary Report

The AOU Summary Report is available to Heads of School and other reporting stakeholders with the intention of providing a self-serve ability to create a point-in-time overview of a School’s progress towards publication of all Outlines for a session.


  1. One (1) or multiple session/s
  2. Teaching AOU/s (optional - deselect all to default the report to all Schools)

Offerings that are Inactive or have zero (0) enrolments are excluded from the number of ‘Total Outlines’ and ‘Total Published Outlines’. That is, they are not counted as requiring publication and therefore excluded from totals - a count of such offerings are reported in separate columns.

Outline Level Detailed Report

The Outline Level Detailed Report is available to Heads of School and other reporting stakeholders with the intention of providing a self-serve ability to create point-in-time detailed information on each Outline: subject short name, Teaching AOU name and code, Faculty, Author (SC), Outline and SAL statuses, first/last publication dates, the published Outline’s version number, last activity date and the number of enrolled students.


  1. One (1) or multiple session/s
  2. Teaching AOU/s (optional - deselect all to default the report to all Schools)

Outline Quality Indicators Report

The Outline Quality Indicators Report is available to Heads of School, Reporting staff, Superusers, and Administrators with the intention of providing an indicator of an Outlines quality to pinpoint areas for improvement using the following parameters:

  1. Subject Code
  2. Session Code
  3. Campus
  4. Mode
  5. First Created (DD/MM/YYYY)
  6. Draft (days) (see * below)
  7. Revision Required (days) (see * below)
  8. Variation (days) (see * below)
  9. Awaiting QA (days) (see * below)
  10. Awaiting Publication (days) (see * below)
  11. Published (days) (see * below)
  12. Author (SC) (name of SC Author)
  13. QA Officer (name of QAO who first submitted Version 1 for publication)(hyphen if Clone QA Exempt)
  14. Total Comments (total number of comments on the Outline)(NTH column per editable section with number of comments per section)
  15. Total Edits (total number of edits on the Outline)(NTH column per editable section with number of edits per section)
  16. Clone QA Exempt (Y/N) (Y if initial submission for publication was QA exempt due to Clone QA Exempt rules - went from DRAFT to AWAITING PUBLICATION)
  17. Total Updates (zero if none)
  18. QAed Updates (number of updates that were quality assured)(Total Updates minus QAed = total QA exempt)(zero if none)
  19. Total Variations (i.e. published version number minus one; zero if the published version is Version 1)
  20. QAed Variations (number of variations that were quality assured (Total Variations minus QAed = total QA exempt)(zero if none)

* Status columns (f-k above) contain the cumulative time spent in each status: DD:HH:MM


  1. One (1) or multiple session/s
  2. Teaching AOU/s (optional - deselect all to default the report to all Schools)

Please be advised:

  1. This report excludes offerings that are inactive on the Subject Availability Listing (SAL) and/or zero enrolled students
  2. Time spent in each status is cumulative; and reported in days, hours and minutes (DD:HH:MM)

Outline Section Content Report

The Outline Section Content Report is available to all staff with the intention of providing a self-serve ability to create a point-in-time report of the content in one or more selected sections.


  1. Outline Status including multi-selection availability (one or more)
  2. Session
  3. Template
  4. Section: Select one or more

To include all Teaching AOUs in a report, do not select an AOU in the Teaching AOU parameter.

To sort a report by a column, click a column header. Arrow icons indicate whether the column is sorted high to low; or low to high. Return to default sorting by clicking the column label until the arrow disappears. If a report must be sorted by >1 column, export to CSV.

To save, share, sort by >1 column, filter, etc. your report, click the ‘Export CSV’ button to export to a Comma Separate Values (CSV) file.

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