Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Marking Scheme & Value


Value must be selected + a percentage value entered
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory must be selected

Assessment tasks can be marked using either a numerical value or a satisfactory (SY)/unsatisfactory (US) grading scale. If a numerical value (percentage) is selected, then standards of performance should be developed along the University's grading system of HD-PS. SY/US should be used in cases when there is no numeric value ascribed to the assessment.

You will need to think carefully about the overall subject pass requirements for assessment tasks graded as SY/US. For example, if a student is marked as unsatisfactory can they pass the subject? If not, then the assessment task can be very 'high-stakes' compared with an assessment task valued at 10% where students can still pass the subject without passing that particular assessment task. You will need to include all pass requirements in the relevant section of the subject outline and make clear the consequences of an US grade.

Compliance Check

The Compliance Check upholds the following logic:

  1. Outlines can contain a mix of percentage values and SY/US Marking schemes
  2. If an Outline contains any Items with a percentage value; the total value of all Assessment Items for the Outline must equal 100%
  3. An Outline can have all Assessment Items with a Marking scheme of SY/US

Charles Sturt Subject Handbook

From mid-July 2019, the Item Number, Title and Value of assessment tasks will be publicly available via the Charles Sturt Handbook. The intention is to provide prospective students with an indication of the assessment involved in a subject, as do most Australian University websites. The information will be drawn from an Outline once it is published if it is for the subject offering with the highest number of enrolments for the session. It is acknowledged that assessment tasks vary from session to session and therefore it is made very clear to prospective students that the Handbook section is a guide only. The Handbook is updated each session that the subject is offered.