Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Submission Methods


Select ‘N/A - submission not required/applicable’
Select ‘Select submission method/s’ plus at least one (1) method

Submission method options - Assessments

N/A – submission not required or applicable

The default selection for an 'exam' type Assessment Item is ‘N/A - submission not required/applicable’. This is because typically exam scripts are handed in on completion, e.g. end-of-session exams are returned to the University through the Examinations Office.

EASTS (Online)

Select if submission via EASTS is available for the assessment

Compliance Check

If EASTS is selected for one (1) or more Assessment/Exam Items, the section ‘Online submission process’ under the Assessment/Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.


Select if submission via the post is available for the assessment.

Compliance Check

If Post is selected for one (1) or more Assessment/Exam Items, the section ‘Postal submission process’ under the Assessment Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.

Hand delivered

Select if hand delivery is available for the assessment.

Compliance Check

If Hand delivery is selected for one (1) or more Assessment/Exam Items, the section ‘Hand delivery submission process’ under the Assessment Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.

Alternative Submission method

Select if an alternative submission method is available for the assessment.

Compliance Check

If Alternative submission method is selected for one (1) or more Assessment/Exam Items, the section ‘Alternative submission method process’ under the Assessment Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.

Learn more:
Compliance Check – Submission Methods
Compliance Check – Assessment Return

Submission method options - Exams

N/A – submission not required or applicable

The default selection for an 'exam' type Assessment Item is ‘N/A - submission not required/applicable’. This is because typically exam scripts are handed in on completion, e.g. end-of-session exams are returned to the University through the Examinations Office.

EASTS (Online)

Select if submission via EASTS is available for the exam

Compliance Check

If EASTS is selected for one (1) or more Assessment/Exam Items, the section ‘Online submission process’ under the Assessment/Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.


Select if submission via Mobius online is available for the exam.

Compliance Check

If Mobius is selected for one (1) or more Exam Items, the section ‘Mobius Online submission process’ under the Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.


Select if submission via Cadmus online is available for the exam.

Compliance Check

If Cadmus is selected for one (1) or more Exam Items, the section ‘Cadmus Online submission process’ under the Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.


Select if submission via Interact2 online is available for the exam.

Compliance Check

If Interact2 is selected for one (1) or more Exam Items, the section ‘Interact2 submission process’ under the Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.


Select if submission via Turnitin online is available for the exam.

Compliance Check

If Turnitin is selected for one (1) or more Exam Items, the section ‘Turnitin submission process’ under the Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.


Select if submission via Oral/Verbal is available for the exam.

Compliance Check

If Oral/Verbal is selected for one (1) or more Exam Items, the section ‘Oral/Verbal submission process’ under the Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.


Select if submission via the Post is available for the exam.

Compliance Check

If Post is selected for one (1) or more Exam Items, the section ‘Postal submission process’ under the Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.

Hand delivered

Select if Hand delivered is available for the exam.

Compliance Check

If Hand delivery is selected for one (1) or more Exam Items, the section ‘Hand delivery submission process’ under the Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.

Alternative Submission method

Select if an alternative submission method is available for the exam.

Compliance Check

If Alternative submission method is selected for one (1) or more Exam Items, the section ‘Alternative submission method process’ under the Exam Information grouping becomes mandatory. Detailed information about the submission process must be provided. The section will be non-compliant if left null.

Learn more:
Compliance Check – Submission Methods
Compliance Check – Assessment Return

Footer Script area