Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Learning, Teaching and Support Strategies


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In this section, define how you have integrated blended learning strategies into your teaching, e.g. interactive online material, forum, the i2 learning platform, problem based learning, peer-to-peer, group work etc. In this section, you can outline:

  1. The educational technology and online learning spaces used in the subject;
  2. How you will use them to facilitate student learning; and
  3. Your expectations of how students will engage their learning through their participation in and contribution to these collaborative spaces.

Please ensure that the terms you use are consistent with those used in other documents and environments, e.g. Discussions or Discussion Boards rather than Forums; Subject Outlines rather than MSI.

Online cohorts

In this section you need to outline what the student needs to do in this subject, what you will be doing during the session with respect to online activities/interaction, how you expect your students to engage with and contribute to their learning through the use of collaborative tools (discussion boards, blogs, wiki’s etc), and how you will establish whether they have engaged and what you will do if they have not.

Examples of text for online cohorts:
All of your subject materials are available on the Interact2 site under the Topics link in the left hand side menu. I suggest that for each topic you read the learning outcomes carefully, read the overview, have a quick skim of the text and then watch the interactive tutorial. Once you have got a feel for what the topic is about try and make a good set of notes under each of the topic review questions in that topic.You can do this by watching the tutorial and consulting the text again in a more considered way.These questions have been designed to give you focus in the topic, so it really helps to prepare a useful set of answers to them. Once you feel ready you can test yourself by taking the online quiz in the topic - there are no marks recorded and you can do each quiz as many times as you like.

In this subject there are also lots of opportunities for you to engage with me, with your peers and with the subject. I will be holding 5 online meetings throughout the session where we can discuss content issues and assessment items, details of times and dates will be posted on the Interact site. In addition I will regularly post a personal blog relating current financial issues to the subject content.

As part of your assessment in this subject you are required to work in a group to prepare and lead the discussion for 1 week around the Connection to Industry item in each Topic. You will post your analysis to the Group Discussion Board and then, along with your other group members, be responsible for facilitating the discussion around your post.In the other weeks of the session, you are expected to contribute to the discussion that is led by another group, by responding to their analysis.

It is helpful to have a small task to complete early in the session, so that you have a focus in the subject from the very first day, and so I have set a short written task in week 3, as part of your assessment. This task will also provide you with some feedback on how you might be able to improve what you do in your study. If you don’t attempt the task, I may contact you by phone or email to have a chat about study and if there are any issues that I can help with.

On campus classes

You will need to outline what the expectations are regarding classes, tutorials and how they use the Interact site.

Example of text for internal cohorts:
In this subject we will meet for a 2 hour workshop where we will discuss that week’s topic. Before you come to class you need to have looked at the online tutorial in the Interact site and read the text so that you can contribute to the class and derive more meaning from the activities that we will do in class. We will spend class time working through the topic questions, discussing them and preparing responses. In addition, we will use video, games and case studies to enhance understanding of certain topic areas.