About us

Our division has a mix of academic and professional staff working across design, development and review, academic development and learning technology service teams. Several specialist roles also support these teams. We coordinate and drive the objectives of the Teaching Academy.

We're here to support you with creating and delivering courses, subjects and assessments in your teaching practice. We provide academic professional learning and support your use of learning technologies to help you teach your students. We promote teaching excellence by supporting the Teaching Academy, working collaboratively with strategic partners across the university.


Our vision

Build genuinely respectful partnerships that support and oversee high quality learning and teaching.


Our charter

Our work is underpinned by the DLT Charter. We are a passionate, responsive and collaborative division who builds genuinely respectful partnerships that facilitate the development and delivery of excellent learning and teaching experiences for staff and students by drawing on extensive expertise and knowledge in the field of learning and teaching.


Driving the strategy

The key focus of DLT is to support faculty staff to deliver the University Strategy 2030, based on re-prioritisation of functions and incorporating strategic support into our day to day activities.

Education Framework

We help staff across the university at strategic and operational level to implement the Education Framework. The framework links the Academic Quality Policy and Academic standards, Education Principles, Education Strategy and the Charles Sturt Curriculum Model to guide how we teach at Charles Sturt University.

The Education Framework drives our strategic outcomes that will contribute to:

  • a sector leading course profile
  • distinctive learning architectures/ Designing leading edge learning experiences
  • excellence in teaching and graduate outcomes
  • load optimisation and equity.