Generally, an MCQ consists of a problem, known as a stem, which is then followed by a series of alternative answers. Students generally choose one of these answers in relation to the problem or question posed.
Multiple choice question items consist of a stem and alternatives.
The stem comprises of the problem while the list of options with one correct or most appropriate (answer) + the incorrect answer (distractor) are called the alternatives (Steven et al., 1991).
Your questions can access a range of cognitive skills/action verbs.
If the learning outcome is requiring to access a lower order thinking skill such as remembering; then constructing a direct question could be a possible way forward.
For example: What is the average effective radiation dose from chest CT?
If the module/subject learning outcome is requiring to access the ability of the student to demonstrate their understanding then following example could be an option.
For example: What is phase 3 called?
If the learning outcome is requiring the student to apply their knowledge, then a question should potentially require student to undertake some calculation.
For example:
In 2011 budget airline, EasyJet announced it was ordering 15 new aircraft. The new planes were faster and improved the company’s productivity. EasyJet hoped to make a profit of $2 million per year from each of the new planes it had ordered. Which of the following is most likely to increase EasyJet's profit?
EasyJet should increase:
If the learning outcome is requiring to the student analyse, then a question should provide students with a platform to be demonstrate their ability to analyse.
For example:
Which of the following actions would decrease the radiation dose from chest CT the least?
If the learning outcome is requiring the student evaluate; then a question should provide students with a platform to be demonstrate their ability to evaluate the scenario.
For example:
A 15-year-old boy has had two episodes of severe anaphylactic shock following bee stings. Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention?
Administration of corticosteroids during the summer