Embedding Panopto videos into a Master site

This article discusses creating and embedding Panopto videos into learning materials within a Brightspace master site. It explains the distinction between Panopto master and session folders and provides steps for uploading videos to the appropriate location.

To ensure proper provisioning and persistence of videos embedded into learning materials across sessions, work should be done within your subject master site and the Panopto master folder. Doing this will ensure that videos intended for long term use across multiple sessions will remain accessible to students. The Panopto master folder will be persistent across sessions, while the folders in the session subjects are specific only to the teaching session.

The Insert stuff method to embed videos, as shown in the guide below, is the recommended process to follow. Do not use embed codes or Panopto links as it is possible that students will not have the correct access to view the videos.

Subjects that have been migrated from Blackboard (Interact2), will have those pre-existing videos located in the old i2 Blackboard folder. All NEW videos should be created in the Brightspace Panopto master folder. It is highly recommended that you do not move the videos from the old Blackboard folder at this point. There will be a further migration process for these videos once Interact2 is decommissioned.

You can access the Panopto master folder either through your master site in Brightspace, or through the CSU Panopto portal. In most instances you will use the master site to create recordings for your site. The Panopto portal provides a central location for creating and managing all of your Panopto recordings across all your sites.

Via the Master site

Access your master site in Brightspace.

Click on My subject in the navigation bar and select CSU Replay (Panopto).

Select CSU Replay (Panopto)

Your CSU Replay folder should be automatically selected for you.

If not, you can type in your subject code in the search field and then select the master folder, which starts with the M- designation.

Search for your Panopto master folder

You can also browse to the Panopto master folder by selecting Brightspace. You can then navigate down through the faculty and school folders until you find your master folder.

Navigate to your Panopto master folder

Via the CSU Panopto portal

Go to the CSU Panopto portal at https://csu.au.panopto.com

Click the drop-down box and select Brightspace to sign in.

Sign in to Panopto using the Brightspace option

You will then see the Panopto ‘back-end’.

Panopto Back End

To find the folder that you need, select Browse and then select the Brightspace folder. You can then navigate down through the faculty and school folders to your subject Master site. The master folder in Panopto uses the same naming convention as the master subject sites in Brightspace.

Browse to your subjects’ master folder

This is the folder that you should use to create or upload the videos that you want to embed into your learning materials.

To add a video in the Panopto master folder, navigate to the folder and click on Create.

Use the create button to start creating a new Panopto video

You will see that there are several different options:

The options for Panopto creation

Creating a new video

To create a new recording select Panopto Capture. This option launches Panopto Capture, which allows a user to easily record audio, video, entire screens, or application windows from directly within their browser, and no download is required.

Select Panopto Capture

Panopto Capture will launch in a new browser tab. Choose your recording options:

Panopto recording options

  • Audio (select your audio input)
  • Video (select your camera)
  • Screen and Apps (if you want to select an entire screen, specific window, or browser tab)

You can also adjust the settings for recording options (SD/HD quality), stream output, video layout, and background by selecting the cog icon.

The options for Panopto creation

Click the red circle button to start recording.

Panopto go button

Click the red square button to stop recording.

Panopto stop recording

The recording will automatically upload to Panopto. On the confirmation screen you can view a preview, redo if needed, and give a meaningful title to the recording.

Panopto preview screen

Uploading a recording

To upload a recording you have already made, choose Upload media. This option will allow you to upload audio files, a single video, or multiple videos that will create new Panopto Sessions.

Select upload media

Click in the dotted field to open the browse window to locate the file on your computer, or use the drag and drop function to drop the video into the field.

Upload screen in Panopto

The file will upload, and you will see a confirmation screen with the name of the video and upload status listed.

Upload confirmation screen

Log into your Master Subject site.

Navigate to the content area within Brightspace where the Panopto video will be inserted. Click on Edit.

Brightspace content edit

In the Brightspace edit window, move the cursor to where the video will be inserted and select centre from the alignment options. This will ensure the video sits in the correct position on the page.

Change the alignment to Centre

Then select the insert stuff icon in the editor.

Select insert stuff

Select the Panopto Deep Link option.

Select Panopto Deep Link

Search for and locate the Panopto Master folder where the videos are stored using the drop-down box. When you are in the correct folder, select the video you want to embed.

Select your video

Select insert. The Charles Sturt copyright information and banner will be applied, and the video preview will be displayed. Choose insert to embed the video in your page.

Panopto video preview

Select Save and close.

The options for Panopto creation

Your recording will now be embedded on your page.

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